Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I think the real question is if Warren wants it. I’m assuming Bernie will offer her the VP slot + treasury secretary, it’s just whether she wants it.

I think 90% of Bernie fans will be stoked if it happens. The other 10% will complain regardless.


I dunno if you been anywhere outside but tons of Warren supports like Bernie.


Lmao cnn headline right now “some sanders fans use hostile tactics to drown out critics” and it’s a big story about social media harassment by sanders online suporters.

Did you watch his town hall and see the quote in question in context? It was not word salad nonsense.

So name some potential VP picks for Sanders.

I suffered through all two minutes of the question, yes. He literally said nothing of substance. His one issue is “fixing politics.” It’s like saying I support things that are good and not things that are bad. Tell me more about how we need more action and less corruption from Congress. He is just the worst.

He’s been talking about this from the launch of his campaign. It’s HR1. Ending voter suppression and gerrymandering, statehood for PR & DC, restoring the VRA, etc, thus normalizing our politics again by making Senators and Representatives accountable to their voters - making it so voters pick them, not the other way around.

It’s why he was my #1 for a period of time, he’s right on this. He’s leading the party on this. Even those who hate him should be able to admit as much.

What’s your number one issue? Doesn’t matter. It’s easier to accomplish with democracy reform and harder to accomplish without. If Pete can get this issue to the forefront of the party during this campaign, and accomplishes nothing else (lord willing), he’ll have done us a great service.


I mean it’s a good plan for sure but politics will still suck and we will still be getting fucked in the ass if we don’t get money out of politics. You can’t fix politics without fixing that. And my man Pete is apparently king of billionaire money.

We will just be getting slightly less fucked.

That should be part of it too, yes. I can’t recall if that’s part of his plan or not.

I like you a lot cuse but this is just textbook West Wing brain. Forrest from the trees, etc

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It’s possible for good candidates to have bad stances on some issues and bad candidates to have good stances on some issues. Pete has the best stance on democracy reform.

He may be establishment and all that, but he’s not a cartoon villain. He’s got this issue right.

Too many people on this forum are too all or nothing.

Like who won Iowa? They both did, everyone needs to get over it.

I’m with you on the cartoon villain thing. It’s fucking annoying how the go-to on the Internet is to do that.

Pete is a lab built cartoon villain. Sometimes the internet gets it right. Making “democracy reform” your central issue with the suffering that is going on right now is a fucking joke.


I mean just getting money out of politics makes Bernies stance better on democracy reform. While that has no chance of passing neither does Petes unless we build a movement.

That said I agree with your other points.

I felt people were too hard on Pete for the most part. Like yeah he obviously sucks for a lot of reasons but he isn’t a cartoon villian. Although his recent bad faith attempt to smear Bernie saying he’s battling Bernies dark money was pretty damn gross.

Democracy reform is going to be super important to build the movement Bernie wants to build and to get any progressive shit done at all.


Of course, but as you pointed out getting money out of politics is a necessary precondition for achieving reform. The people that are bankrolling Pete’s campaign obviously have no interest in getting money out of politics (or democracy reform if we’re being honest). It’s a joke.


Democracy reform isn’t taking money from billionaires come on

I mean this as a negative to Pete

I feel like I’m missing a joke here but Cody is one of the best minds of his generation. (he was saying the AOC detractors are derplords)