Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Not great as we all know he kills dogs and not rats, but I think of Charlie every time I see Pete.

After the convention of course he endorses, if that even counts as an endorsement.

He’ll endorse after there is a clear winner. Like with Clinton. It seemed like allin was saying no endorsement even after that.

Well then I guess you’re saying allinflynn was onto something about him not endorsing if there’s a chance the endorsee doesn’t win.

Whoever gets the nominee, there will be a decent chance he or she loses, probably near 50%. I think his legacy will be damaged way more by sitting on the sideline against 4 more years of Trump. It’s also pretty rare for a former president not to endorse a candidate from his own party… The only example I can think of in my lifetime is the Bushes and Trump and I’m turning 60 in a couple years.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think anyone was doubting Obama will support the Dem nominee after the convention. The question is whether he will endorse before the convention to try to influence who ends up being the Dem nominee.

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It’s Vox because Of course it is

I used to love this guy. At least I thought he understood history. After pushing us as far right as they can for 40+ years there’s obviously going to be a clapback left

Every single Clinton-adjacent person needs to disappear from public life forever


Look, Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He’s never been a Democrat.

This always comes out. They can’t help it. Party before anything.


I guess we took his post differently. I thought the he endorsed Clinton and she lost part meant that people are saying he won’t endorse in the general. I would be as shocked if he endorsed during the primary as I would be if he didn’t in the general.

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Someone should shop the intro to that episode with Mayor Pete.

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Platitude Pete

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Presented without comment

This is absolutely the correct take. Whether he’ll do anything about it and live up to his words on it, I guess you can debate.

It’s wordsalad nonsense


How are you going to feel about Bernie picking her as his running mate?


Who is Bernie picking as his running mate then?