Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

@RiskyFlush Is the Man for that… :+1:

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I think it more and more becomes a competition between “Can the US survive 4 more years of Trump?” vs. “Can the US survive 40 more years of the Democratic Party?”. Depending on what probabilities you assign to the Yes/No to each question it changes if you should vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is.
“Anybody But Trump” is the obvious answer for 2020-2023. Then you go back to alternating Republican and Diet Republican administrations. How much longer can this go on?


I figure they’re all desperate except Bernie and Pete so there’s a good chance someone tries something wild.

When is the town hall? :joy:

Which OOT poster is Cody Johnston again?

Everybody’s always complaining about depression and such. Well that’s going to happen in a democracy. That’s natural, because if you’re going to have a democracy, there’s going to be capitalists. They shouldn’t be complaining because that’s what they asked for.

Fire LOL


I can’t help but wonder what’s going through Liz and Joe’s heads right now. They’ve been loyal soldiers and the establishment thanks them by throwing its weight behind that sniveling rat fuck. Cynically I think they’ll roll over like beat dogs and help pile on Bernie.


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I have on occasion wondered if Biden was perhaps told to exercise restraint and it has backfired.

That’s a lot more pleasant than thinking he’s really this bad at campaigning :confused:

I think this sort of thing happens more often than you’d think - there have been any number of “strong” candidates who for any number of reasons crash and burn. Off the top of my head, since I’m old, Muskie was pretty much thought to be a nut lock in 1972, kind of on the Biden path, with all the establishment pol endorsing him early and a clear path to the nomination - and he got destroyed. John Connolly on the GOP side in 1980 had a ton of money and endorsements, and got one delegate.

But I don’t think it’s helping Biden that he seems somewhat senile.


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This is something I’ve been struggling with a lot over the last few months and I think I’ve come to a point where I’m at peace. And this is something everyone is going to have to figure out for themselves. I’ll vote for the dem nom if it’s Bernie. I’ll vote for the dem nom if it’s someone other than Bernie who is legitimately chosen by the will of the people. Under any other circumstances I will be leaving my presidential vote blank.

Que weatrich et al to scold me about how I’m coming from a position of privilege, how I don’t care about kids in cages, etc


He’s 78, he wants (and his base will expect) a perfect/near perfect political match.

She did… Shhh

Alright after a lot of thought, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you’re team Bernie you need Warren to be one of the last 3 or 4 real candidates standing and her dropping out early actually hurts Bernie’s chances even if she endorses him.

Here’s the deal, as long as Warren is in the race, she makes it impossible for the centrists to rally around a single candidate because she is too popular of a 2nd choice option for Amy/Pete/Joe! voters. So her staying in the race essentially creates a cushion for Bernie that makes it easier for him to continue winning states via plurality. However, if she drops out early, while Bernie gains more of her supporters than any other candidate, it isn’t going to be all of her supporters. Then it becomes easy game for the establishment to circle the wagons around a single candidate.

This is what happened in the 2016 Republican primary where the establishment couldn’t get behind a single candidate because Ted Cruz would pick off too many supporters to allow someone like Rubio or Kasich to get things heads up with Trump early where they might have had a chance. In 2020, Warren can play this role by picking up Amy supporters if she drops out and allowing Bernie a free path to continue winning states. Then you ultimately have the chance of claiming to be creating the unity ticket by having Warren run as VP which is likely what Bernie wants anyway.


Excuse me guy, when are you going to give Professional Wrong Person Jon Chait a chance to speak? Bad!


This fucking guy


My man just tweeting out perfect meme templates


Is anybody remotely competent saying this? He and Michelle will be headliners for whoever wins the nomination. Whoever gets the nomination will def suck up to them if that’s even needed. Obama was never about ideology and his hope and basic decency stumping work no matter who gets the nominee.

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