Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

So is that a straight up lie? Did the popular vote get recounted or redefined to mean SDEs?

Probably means Newsweek spent all week not learning how the Iowa caucus works.

I guess it’s a crazy conspiracy theory to even imagine that anyone at Newsweek knows better.


Abrams is the best although she’s not a perfect political match. Don’t want Nina Turner. Frankly I think Warren might be the best option especially since she is 0.4% aboriginal.


I still have Tammy Duckworth as the perfect VP candidate for Bern, except that she was born in Thailand…

And because of dumb shit that probably disqualifies her…sigh…

We’ll see.

I think that in a repulsive way, Bloomberg is immunized by Trump - if they’re both misogynistic pieces of shit, you’re at square one - and since idiot Trump is NEVER going to change/apologize for his behavior, any sort of half-ass apology from Bloomberg is going to help him. The stop and frisk isn’t going to be a bug - it’s a feature, or at least a minimal issue for a huge piece of the population scared of possible scary black/brown “criminals”

I’m not in any way cheering on Bloomberg, but as previously noted he was given a big speaking spot at the DNC in the past, he at least has a plausible history of actually being mayor during a time a lot of the population in NYC isn’t going to view him in a hugely negative way, and he’s immunized by Trump’s argument that he’s some sort of wiley-coyote-super-genius business man - Bloomberg would shoot himself in the head if he was as broke as idiot Donnie. I don’t think he’s more than a fringe contender at this point, but if things break in a particular way, he’s a lot more viable than some of the other guys who are still in the race. And for a lot of reasons I’d not like to think about, I’m 1000% the DNC would prefer Bloomberg over Bernie, and maybe Warren.


Candace Owens?


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I think microbet is the first I saw throw this one out–what about Barbara Lee for VP? She’s old (73), but it would make for a strong anti-war ticket.

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Barbara Lee is unknown. She’s basically as awesome as Bernie and has been for years but she’s not a good choice.

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President AOC is gonna be so fucking lit. Probably won’t be 2024 or even 2028, need maximum amount of boomers to die off first, but maybe by 2032 or so. She’s gonna crush so hard. Gonna be GOAT president by a huge margin.


Well, I posted that here because if you read the replies to the 2nd you’ll get a taste of what’s coming when Bernie or even Liz wins the nom. The derp cannon is merely charging now.


The great thing about AOC is her shit talking game is fire. She will absolutely dunk on all the clowns who go after her with bullshit and bad faith arguments and people will love it. They will just be feeding the ownage.

As for Bernie/Warren yeah the right wing trolls will be out in force and it will be hilarious how triggered they are when they win.

I mean, forget socialism for now, the most prosperous nation in world history will scorch the earth before accepting even a light dusting of social democracy.


Ok, you talked me down from one of my more misanthropic moments.

Maybe one of my greatest achievements


To be honest I’m starting to become worried about more terrestrial projectiles the more clear it becomes that Bernie is going to win. Why am I like this :sob:

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Shit, solitaire? Just wait til he finds out that some people spend time at work posting about politics with strangers on the internet.


I suggest a meme…two pics “Bernie interviews punks” and then “punks interview Bernie” and pic of whatever cable news interviewers you want.