Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If he wins SC it’s completely over

Still catching up on DVR’d Bernie Town Hall and I love how he answers these gotcha HOW YA GON DO IT questions and why won’t you compromise, bro? questions.

Definitely would not be trusting 538 for the primaries. Their model has hand-wavy assumptions about post-Iowa bounces for candidates. Primaries are fluid situations with a strong dependence on the specifics of the race. Previous races haven’t had an anti-establishment frontrunner at this point, so you can’t just generalise about what will happen from previous races, which is what 538 are trying to do.

Bernie was just asked if he’ll name a running mate before the convention and if it will be a woman.

“That’s a good question, and we may very well do it.”

Liz drops out and skips the endorsement and goes straight to hopping on the ticket?

It used to seem like maybe this was a bad ticket politically, but with it turning out that their supporters don’t overlap as much as their policy ideas, it seems like an excellent ticket with either of them at the top.


Agreed, plus he’s 78. He’s gotta pick someone who he believes would be a good president who has views in line with his. He can’t go the unity route and pick like Klobuchar or Harris or Booker or something.

And announcing it early could be very good for him in the primaries that follow. Very very good. I don’t see it costing him hardly anyone, but the Warren supporters who have to decide could be affected a lot.

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Absolutely. Especially Warren, after their little rift may have cost him a few percent with female voters.

Bloomberg’s latest ad is all pics of him and Obama “Working together” on shit that never actually passed, so he’s doing his level best to line himself up for the endorsement

Any data available on whether or not the running mate’s home state matters at all? “These two New England libruls!” One too many or does it even matter?

Nate Silver HATES Bernie and has run so many laughable negative stories against him on NYT. If 538 is predicting Bernie victory its because the writing is on the wall and they don’t want to be wrong.

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It really does seem like with the way things are playing out this may be an enormously beneficial move for both Bernie and Warren. And ot would send rwnj lawn mowers into orbit.

I’m also warming up to Bernie/Warren as an idea, but that’s going from lol no to meh, still a stretch imo. At the risk of being both repetitive and reductive, Bernie needs a woman of color. Bernie/Warren is too white, Bernie/Man of color too male. Within that he can go younger/older, more centrist/more progressive, representing some region or other. Just for the love of God steer clear of Hawaii.


Nina Turner seems like a favorite. Puts Ohio in play.

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Bernie will not and should not pick his VP based on electoral strategy. If there is a qualified, experienced woman of color who matches his views well, that would be perfect… I’m not sure who that is. There are a few freshman in Congress, but it raises the experience question. Jayapal is not eligible (born in India). I’m not sure Abrams matches on policy. Anyone from the Squad is an experience issue, and AOC isn’t eligible anyway.

If you want a woman of color it’s going to be Tulsi Gabbard, I think. No thanks - that’d make me very uneasy. Warren if you want a woman, Ro Khanna if you want a person of color - but again he’s only in his second term.

It’s going to be Liz. It was always going to be Liz.

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What about that guy from Washington state that was big on climate?

He’s 78. Her highest public office is a State Senator. Not gonna fly. Nor does she put Ohio in play.

Jay Inslee? I’d rather have a woman or a person of color. Inslee would be good to put in charge of a climate task force or the EPA or something.

Make him like the Czar of Saving the Planet.

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Running for Governor. Inslee.

Edit:My pony is not running for anything.

Mayor Pete Buttigeig has been declared the winner with 26.2 percent of the popular vote.
