Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This forum might die altogether if we have to rally around GOPete for the next five years.

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At least sky will get to keep her insurance while the rest of us can fuck off.


Doesn’t get any more American than that.


Hate to burst your bubble but that’s exactly what’s going to happen if Bernie becomes POTUS too.

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Medicare-For-All-Who-Want-It advocates remind me of Debra:




Does a Barack Obama endorsement tip the scales bigly? Do any of us think he will do one? If so, when, and for which candidate?

I don’t think he will, but I assume he would have a lot of sway with the African American community if he did. I just don’t see him endorsing any of the remaining front runners for various reasons (Joe senile, Pete zero black support, Liz a former thorn in his side, Bernie for being fucking Bernie).

Worst case scenario is he endorses Pete because that could help shore up one of Pete’s biggest weaknesses, but I just don’t see a fit there.

There’s a lot of speculation he won’t endorse in case his pick loses and it damages his brand, which I think is probably not true. He endorsed Clinton.

I could well be wrong, but I don’t think it moves the scale much. Firstly, I don’t actually think endorsements matter all that much, or at least that they’re significantly overrated, and secondly, I think anyone liable to be persuaded by an Obama endorsement is already going to be backing the kind of candidate Obama would endorse. That leaves the unengaged and not-very-likely-voters etc. He didn’t get them out for Clinton last go-round, no reason to think it’ll be different this time.

Bloomberg is probably the most likely for Obama to endorse since their politics are almost identical.

My prediction is that Obama will do a " this is not an endorsement, but…"

A secondary prediction is that when some people call it an endorsement around here other people will say they are insane conspiracy theorists.


I think an endorsement for Pete is possible. As he entered the White House, Obama was not in favor of gay marriage, but after Biden came out for it, he was under some pressure to cave on that issue. I could see him endorsing Pete with an assertion that Pete is growing on race issues in the same way that Obama grew on gay issues. The only safe endorsement is for Biden, but I get the feeling that Obama knows Joe isn’t really up for the task.


I think he’ll endorse whoever ends up head to head against Bernie, or whoever has the best shot to beat Bernie, given the reporting about his thoughts on Sanders. If Biden drops and he endorses Pete, he could bolster Pete among African-Americans.

Bernie now favored to win in SC per predictit


I love Bernie but being favored in all states seems a bit extreme…

538 is saying the same thing for basically every state.

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Uh, if you really want some eXXXXXXtreme vile disgusting degradation porn, I got that for you right here.


I’m getting them from Bernie AND Biden. It’s non stop. The Biden ones tend to come out of order too like 2/3 then 3/3 then 1/3

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