Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If they ignored each other they could properly tag team and score major blows against ButtiGJGE and Biden. Bernie has the progressive credentials and broad minority support necessary to hit Buttigieg (unlike Warren, who stumbled into appearing hypocritical when she brought up wine caves), while Warren has the voting history and temperament to take Biden on on a bunch of issues.

I don’t think Buttigieg has what it takes to go after Bernie other than recycling Republican talking points like “BuT hOw WiLl YoU pAy FoR iT?!?” but he could try to go after Biden like you’re suggesting to make sure he gets Joe’s voters as the remaining centrist.

Bottom line, let’s see a Biden bloodbath, and maybe take Buttigieg down a notch while we’re at it.

Yeah right now the important thing is to destroy any remaining equity left in the moderate lane by reducing its support to people who would be Republicans in a sane world.

Enter: Mike Bloomberg!

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May have been his whole plan all along.

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Pretty smart to pick that one so he doesn’t have to mention the police. Nice work Pete!

Funny that he waited until right after a critical state that’s like 99.8% white voted to finally say it.

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Looks like someone is finally starting to get worried about his splits with non-white voters. Fuck Pete for waiting this long to then throw out some transparent bullshit.


Narrator: It caused Pete to lose half of his 286 black supporters.

Seriously shame on all the white politicians who think black people are dumb enough to fall for straight up pandering. That’s not what they want. They want economic justice. They want criminal justice reform. They want substance, and would probably love you more if you figured out how to trick the whites into giving it to them. Their folk tales are about Br’er Rabbit ffs. This is not new to them.


rumors out there with open primaries (like SC) that republicans are trying to get people to vote for bernie.

well careful what you wish for but this is why you don’t have ****ing open primaries.

Someone send to skydiver for comment

Pete hates black people


Lol weren’t there Dems doing this in 2016, trying to get Republicans to nominate Trump because he was clearly a buffoon? Good, I hope Repubs join open primaries and vote Bernie.

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This has been happening forever and I see nothing wrong with it at all.

Probably more fair to say that he’s indifferent to them. Just like he is to anyone who can’t help him.

Brown people on the other hand, he gladly signed up to go shoot them in 2008.

pete has said ‘all lives matter’ before he’s clearly an unqualified dolt

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Speaking for all black people and saying they can’t help Pete, huh? I see how it is.

Show your work.

If you want to get your hopes up, Bernie is leading on PI in 40 states.