Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Anecdotal evidence from the server check primary says Bernie is gonna win this. And for the record they left a $20 tip


a small PSA, as I thought at the time–emerson polls in fact, are all absolute trash, so don’t post those from now on or I’m gonna mention it if I see it.

I guess I could go through all pollsters as there are a fair # that had biden ahead in IA (LOL) but everything else was okay so I’d have to look at poll specifics but that’s work and meh at wanting to do that and so on.


It was extremely in character I have to say. I was 0% surprised he was the one to seize the moment and claim victory in the face of chaos. He doesn’t miss a trick that one. The fact that he’s been a winner his whole life… probably not an accident.

Pete is the real life (less rich) version of Payton Hobart from the Candidate (Netflix last year, good show). I’m not remotely joking either. A creature made of pure ambition.

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This coming from someone who posted a Breitbart News poll… lol

Is that the Diabeetus guy?


Not sure if this is the right thread for it, but today is the primary for the special election to replace Elijah Cummings. There has been pretty sparse media coverage here.

I’ll be voting for Jill Carter, a m4a supporting progressive state senator, but my money is on Cummings’ wife who is a sleazeball currently under investigation for using a nonprofit as a front for her for-profit consulting firm.

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That’s a lot of candidates:

Hope it goes progressive, but wouldn’t be surprised if name recognition is enough for Cummings.

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I really appreciate Bloomberg’s Trump baiting.


I mean, Bloomberg can fuck off, but I’m way in on him making fun of Trump for being broke.


Can we start calling him Mayo(R ) Mike?

‘Soda Pop’ has that Trumpian brevity that lends itself to merciless repetition. Reminds people of an infamous past incident while casting him as toothless, out-of-touch etc.

I know what 538 rates them but their polls that I’ve seen so far every one of them has been absolute trash in foresight and hindsight. F- every one of them.

and I’m ignoring the biden #'s which about every poll got wrong. (lol polls again I guess)

OK I lol’ed. Sometimes you hit that perfect response


If Bernie doesn’t win in a landslide in NH i am going to start getting nervous

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If Bernie doesn’t crush NH then shit’s definitely rigged.

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My prediction of Friday’s debate is that Sanders and Warren make some sort of gesture to demonstrate that they are still friends.

Hopefully, with no worries about cheesing off supporters of other candidates who you hope will have you as their second choice, they can go harder at each other. Time for Buttigieg to go hard after what’s left of Biden voters by attacking Joe and showing that he is the best fighter against senile old men who say unfortunate things.