Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

OK I see your point better, now. I think the very fact that this is the primary means you’d have to wait and see what they do if Sanders wins. The primary demographic and the GE demographic are very different, in size and composition both, as you said yourself. It doesn’t seem immediately intuitive to me that the strategy for both should be the same.


I think I’m 99% sure what @JohnnyTruant is saying and I suppose it’s true, it’s also true that I wouldn’t be supporting that guy…

Having life experience tells me that guy ain’t worth my effort because I’m sure he’s fucking me in some way with that sleek, smooth smile.

Charisma ain’t for me, sorry. I’ve had enough of the BS folks in my life, it’s why I left the gambling world too.

Edit: It’s very rare that that kind of person is honestly honest.

JT the thing is, where concretely is the problem here? I get that you don’t like being spammed with fundraising messages, but Bernie is actually raising a pile of money. I get that you personally don’t feel inspired, but there is a metric ton of enthusiasm around Bernie and none around other candidates and Bernie keeps rising in national polls and looks good to take out the first three primaries. Fundraising ads and repetition of simple messages are annoying to the heavily-engaged, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work. I’ve seen several tweets from canvassers saying that a frequent response they get when engaging voters is “who is Bernie Sanders?”. My point is, you have to realise that you are a massive outlier and it would be a big mistake for the campaign to build its messaging around what would be successful in inspiring you.


yes, that’s why dem centrists have done better than leftists traditionally in presidential elections

Bernie/Warren finishing 1-2 in Iowa has been my prediction for awhile. Think we’re way more live to this than anyone realizes.

Is this sarcasm?

I am… But I’m not sure he can tbh, without the help from the Main stream Media.

I think the Dem and Rep bases are different, too, and I’d even argue that the GOP establishment more closely resembles its base than does the Dem establishment. The Never-Trumpers made a bit of noise, but ~all of them folded like deckchairs in the end. Sanders can’t bank on that, the comparisons to Trump are really very narrow.

In my lifetime the statement has been correct. (biden is also definitively beating bernie vs trump in polls but reality is, no matter who the dem nominee is, if trump loses re-election it’s nearly 100% because of anti trump votes)

I don’t think you’re hated. Bernie supporters were just upset because they care as much as you do and they thought you were hurting his chances with your attacks.

Atleast for me I still think you’re better than 99% of people and a good egg, just had misguided passions. But heart is definitely in the right place.

Also good to have you back.



I gave my read on what the real catalyst behind your posting is, and I don’t even know what you mean by ‘drama bomb for fun and games’. I’m, like, totally fucking dead serious. You swayed your in-laws yet? Your business associates?

People aren’t understanding your criticism because I don’t think you understand it yourself. You offered some slight tweaks but the core of the criticism doesn’t even make logical sense.

You heard the message so you donated money so they can spread the message better but you don’t want them to ask for money so they can spread the message better instead you want them to spread the message better to you again so you’ll donate money so they can spread the message better but you don’t want them to ask for money so they can spread the message better instead you want… Like, wtf?

Also sorry if that’s harsh but I thought you wanted some bandaid ripping masochism.

But isn’t whatever he is doing working because he keeps going up in the polls?

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Well, it’s both. Imo there’s a great deal of animosity towards Bernie from within the party because he’s not a real Democrat. Even within the party there are insiders and outsiders. Carter was an outsider and although economically he was not the least bit radical, very middle of the road Democrat, he was loathed enough by insiders that he was primaried by someone who was at least as far to the left, but much more of an insider (Ted Kennedy).

It could be a matter of donors trusting whether or not someone is under control and being outside the party structure is certainly more threatening. And that goes to being afraid he actually will go for things like M4A and not AETNA4A.

Final Emerson Iowa poll just dropped. HIGH HOPES

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How do you know it would be more effective?

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If you followed I was speaking hypothetically and accepting his premise there and I was quite clear about that. If you contend that it’s the centrists who are more likely to stay home or vote Trump if they don’t get one of their acceptible candidates that’s another matter and I would guess you’re right about that.

And that’s because I think horrible takes like “if there were no border security the US would be overrun by gang members” is a pretty common thing among “moderates” and “centrists”.



But as others have pointed out that’s just a you thing. Bernie keeps spamming me and occasionally I donate.


The problem is you just keep making assertions like this and your evidence is zero aside from your personal feelings on the matter. You cite marketing theory, but that theory relates to the sort of product you think Bernie is, which is something to get inspired about, but what if it’s more like trying to sell people insurance? Are Geico morons because they hammer away about “15 minutes saving you 15 percent” rather than trying to make people “inspired” about the product? Chris Hayes:

The mere fact that you’re reading this article right now suggests that you not only think politics is important, but you actually like it. You read the paper and listen to political radio and talk about politics at parties. In other words, you view politics the way a lot of people view cooking or sports or opera: as a hobby. Most undecided voters, by contrast, seem to view politics the way I view laundry. While I understand that to be a functioning member of society I have to do my laundry, and I always eventually get it done, I’ll never do it before every last piece of clean clothing is dirty, as I find the entire business to be a chore. A significant number of undecided voters, I think, view politics in exactly this way: as a chore, a duty, something that must be done but is altogether unpleasant, and therefore something best put off for as long as possible.

Primary elections are not general elections. You need to make people give a shit at all, not make them inspired. Inspired people are useful insofar as they’re a way of generating cash, that’s the reality. From a Politico article on Bernie’s spending:

“The Super Tuesday states are terribly expensive. You need to be able to participate in major media markets to get your share of the votes — you can’t just rely on momentum alone,” said Jeff Roe, a Republican consultant who managed Sen. Ted Cruz’ 2016 bid for president. “You need to have that war chest.”

The Sanders campaign’s $50 million spending spree in the last quarter of 2019 included more than $8 million in spending on more than 900 staffers and $1 million on rent and utilities for an operation with a big physical footprint, as well as $1.3 million dropped on private flights to travel to and from events. The campaign spent $20 million on TV and digital ads.

As it prepared for Iowa, the campaign stocked up with $1.9 million worth of campaign merchandise: Bernie-branded bumper stickers, buttons and T-shirts according to disclosures.

After rolling into January with more cash than his main Iowa rivals, Sanders used it in the run-up to the caucuses, a likely significant factor in his polling rise. He spent $8 million on television, digital and radio ads in January, according to the tracking firm Advertising Analytics, while Buttigieg — who started 2020 with $14.5 million cash on hand — spent $6.5 million on ads and Sen. Warren ($13.7 million cash on hand) spent $5.4 million on ads.

That actually is what matters, not trying to leverage you for word of mouth. Like for fuck’s sake man, look what’s happening with Bloomberg and Steyer! They’re generating support despite the fact that the enthusiasm around them is sitting at zero degrees Kelvin. This idea that you have that inspiration is more important than mass media buys is not supported by the evidence.