Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It was entertaining to watch leftists rage about the filibuster and demand that it be ended only to fall silent and incorporate it as a given the moment Bernie came out in favor of the filibuster.

Too much innate human frailty, for anyone other than the naive to think a mythological force-for-good will suddenly correct course and properly steward mankind.

Capitalism and democracy further challenge and impede consensus for action, when a nimbleness is needed to address the existential threat of climate change.

No integral safeguard has been put in place to ‘dampen’ the effects of anything consequential.

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Nah almost all of us still want him to nuke the filibusterer, Although thats the senates job not his, I hope he presses for it.

Both things are true. We need to nuke the filibuster, but we also need an electoral revolution if we’re gonna get anything done in this country. Otherwise Republicans will just win back congress and nuke it and do their own shit.

We need a massive shift left and Bernie is the man to get that done.

Someone posted something about Bernie having some other kind of plan to pass shit with 50 votes. Something to do with the VP. It sounded savage as fuck. I definitely hope he either does that or gets fed up and nukes the filibusterer.


Yeah, making abolishing the filibuster your top priority for POTUS is disgraceful. It’s not even a law they can sign or not sign or veto or not. And if it were either Liz’s or Bernie’s top issue, they should stay in the Senate.

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Leave the filibuster, let the corrupt Dirty Ds participate in filibuster and “block” legislation. Pass legislation through “super-reconciliation” anyway and primary exposed Dirty Ds. Easy game.

Any idea what the spectrum of non-death looks like? Is there permanent damage in some cases? Sounds like sometimes it’s pretty mild all around.

Lol imagine thinking that this is a good point on a forum where multiple people regularly lament that Bernie supports the filibuster.


Risky a defective pony here but this is pretty big news for Bernie right?

No they don’t.

Eh, wouldn’t expect anyone else to bother with Bloomberg announcing he is going HAM at Bernie.

Or they are just being Good Little Boys and doing what their lord and master Mini Mike is telling them to do. Sit this one out, Mike will get it done on your behalf so you don’t have to dirty your hands.

Yeah they do. But we let it go because it’s just not a plausible concern that Bernie is going to successfully win the revolution after 40 years of fighting, have overwhelming support for his policies. …then just shrug his shoulders and give up because filibuster makes D legislation practically impossible.

I think it’s correct to galvanize support based on issues, healthcare, living wage, etc. then figure it out.

As someone once said. “The shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue… and the way to gain the power to shape the democracy is to talk about every issue but the shape.”


Usually if you get pneumonia you get laid up in a hospital for a few weeks and then you’re right as rain. The obvious question is whether there are enough hospital beds for everyone.

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Honestly I want Bloomberg to go as hard at Bernie as he possibly can. If there are going to be large negative impacts lets have them now, not when he’s up against Trump with a month to go. I don’t for a second think his oppo is going to do that much damage, but I’m way more concerned about October oppo drops than I am about February-March oppo drops.

Just in case the oppo research really is not workable for the electorate there’s Warren available as a backup still. But 95% of the time it just inoculates him by giving him 7.5 months to do counter-programming to whatever it is instead of 1.

So go ahead Bloomberg take your best shot. While we’re talking about opposition research let’s talk about the only piece of opposition research anyone should need vs Mike… he’s in Epstein’s book. If that’s not disqualifying nothing is.

I’m pretty sure Obama’s camp leaked the Jeremiah Wright story a couple weeks after he became the prohibitive favorite.

And if they did I applaud them for their competence. You want to give that kind of thing as much time as you can to normalize in the minds of voters. In a weird way Bloomberg going hard negative on Bernie here is gods work. I’m not even kidding a little bit. He needs to open up on Bernie as hard as he can.

Do you know what normal, everyday grocery stores don’t carry? Ground fucking veal. Rand and I went to four different grocery stores looking for ground up baby cows that probably died of loneliness and came up empty. And you know what? Veal is too fucking lean for meatballs, anyway. But of course I still looked.

The recipe says to combine the meats in a large bowl, then add garlic, eggs, cheese, parsley, an unspecified amount of salt and pepper, and … provolone and pepperoni?

Wait, what ?

Those two things weren’t on the ingredient list. It’s like the top half of the recipe was forced to sign an NDA where it couldn’t mention the provolone and the pepperoni, and then the instructions just blurted them out.

Businessmen have attention to detail that career politicians lack.


I mean, if you think process doesn’t matter, then you’re more ridiculous for spending significant amounts of your time emotionally involved arguing with people about your favorite candidate in a fake election.

A note of caution for Super Tuesday: please don’t get super excited about Bernie cruising to the nomination even if he gets pluralities in like 3/4ths of the states. What you have to watch for is whether he can secure a majority of delegates awarded. He may very well get over that line, but I feel that’s mostly going to depend on getting a plurality in SC.

He’ll still be the favorite with 40% of the delegates awarded, which is where I figure he’ll be if Biden ekes out a win in SC, but not a prohibitive favorite.

I have no idea how that relates to the post you quoted