Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’ve only heard about the measles epidemic in the Congo in the last week or so, I think from you earlier in this thread. But I try to avoid the news like the plague, (no pun intended), so I’m not a good proxy for how widely this info is disseminated.

One of my good friends from high school is now an acupuncturist. She posted an article on Facebook about how to treat coronavirus patients with acupuncture and herbs.


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Yea I don’t think I’ve heard anything about the measles. Sad that something 100% preventable is still a problem in 2020. Maybe people will care if a bunch of dumb antivax westerners contract it.

Only reason I know about measles in the Congo or CWD in North American deer is because of my mom. No clue where she gets all of this intel from, somehow this retired boomer has her finger on the pulse of disease outbreaks worldwide.

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Symptoms may include having a feverish body temperature that’s 0.4 F above average and a cough and fatigue. LMFAO, we’re never containing this by checking people’s body temperatures at airports. Just no way you could ever screen that out given the normal distribution of human body temperatures.

Good news for children.

Based on all 72,314 cases of COVID-19 confirmed, suspected, and asymptomatic cases in China as of February 11, a paper by the Chinese CCDC released on February 17 and published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology has found that the risk of death increases the older you are, as follows:


Reports from Iran’s semiofficial ILNA news agency saying there have been 50 deaths in Iran this month from the virus.

If this is true it sounds like they initially tried to hid that there was cases for weeks and that they have way more cases than they are officially reporting.

The new death toll is significantly higher than the latest number of confirmed cases of infections that Iranian officials had reported just a few hours earlier by and which stood at just 12 deaths out of 47 cases, according to state TV.

He said the 50 deaths date as far back as Feb. 13. Iran, however, first officially reported cases of the virus and its first deaths on Feb. 19.

Sounds like how I would create a virus in the game “Plague”. Pretty harmless in the beginning but with rapid spreading before I turn it up and it gets deadly and its too late for authorities to do anything efficient against it.

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Market now down almost 3%, gold up $40

Well, shit. Not how I wanted things to progress ahead of a bachelor party in Vegas in a week and a half. Just gonna assume I’m getting it at this point.

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Grunching but there is no way for the US to impose the draconian controls that China used to slow down the virus.

Remember weeks ago when I started posting about how this was really really really bad and everyone laughed? Good times.


No, I don’t actually remember everyone laughing.


Literally a post in here from someone who said they checked the thread for its comedic value.

I have you as Cassandra for sure.

Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Bahrain all reported their first cases, and all traced to contact with Iran. Earlier cases in Canada, Lebanon and UAE also linked to Iran.

Those 48 people infected in Iran must really get around.

Yes, some people took the threat too lightly. And a few people in particular were dinks to you for no real reason I could see.

Yeah, I was gonna post the same. It seems pretty clear now that this thing is not going to be contained unless summer brings a big reduction in transmission. Still rolling my eyes at the victory lap though, like when something is a decent possibility and you forecast it, you’re totally going to be right a percentage of the time. I could also victory lap on saying the OH NOES MY KIDS takes were paranoid, given that mortality among 0-9 year olds is literally 0.

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market going to be down bigly today, and china futures market already down 3%

I find it interesting that I can never quite tell how futures will translate to the market open. Sometimes the market will open right where you think it should based on the earlier futures trading. But sometimes it opens with a big difference, and this can be in either direction.

Today I think it might just tank even further than the futures indicate, (-2.8% right now), but who knows.