Coronavirus (COVID-19)

So you are using a heuristic instead of looking at the known facts?

Not sure food will be easy to come by if you end up in a quarantined area. Just look at the measures already in place in Italy.

[Can’t figure out how to get the URL from the Financial Times article the below quote came from]

“Police have established a blockade around a cluster of 10 communities south of Milan with a population of about 50,000 people, where a large number of infections have been identified. Locals in the affected areas have been told not leave their houses, while anyone entering the area has been warned by police they will not be allowed to leave. Those who disobey the instructions face fines or potential imprisonment.”

I’ll be fine. I have a freezer full of prion infected venison.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with stocking up especially if you just buy stuff that you would normally eat so nothing will get wasted. I always find it strange when some preppers will buy bulk beans and openly admit their family doesn’t like beans. If I’m going through the apocalypse I want food that I regularly eat and enjoy! Having said that I do like beans.

Well based on your cupboard I assume Mrs Truant already walks around your house with an N95 mask on, so no change needed for Coronapocalypse.


Still 100% equities here. VTI, ride or die.


Dude where’s your arsewipe?

I have a fair amount of food in my pantry because I will buy on sale and get enough to see me until the next sale. Plus I have relishes, jams, preserved/frozen food from my garden.

Not considered it before, but disaster prepping in a silly European city apartment doesn’t seem great. Might have to give up the half a cupboard filled with pretentious beer. Also, quarantine in here keeping a 2 year old entertained is going to be awful, the 2% shot at death might seem like sweet release.


I’m fully prepared here to raid my wine storage and go out chugging Dom Perignon and Cristal straight from the bottle.

Dow futures down 350 points. (S&P down 40 - I forget I’m the only one that looks at the Dow these days.) Could be an ugly morning or it could easily reverse. Nobody knows nothing.

I was going to wait for the xbox series x but now I’m just going to ebay an xbox one, yolo

Lol. Yeah. I’m not exactly sure where I would store stuff.

I dont think anyone is gonna starve, so more thinking about what would i want more of if it became difficult to get around.

Sadly. That’s mostly fresh fruit and veg and meat. So maybe i need to stock up on frozen stuff instead. Possibly with a new freezer.

Get a garden in, even just some pots with loose leaf lettuce and some herbs. At least then you’ve got fresh salad to eat.

Do it anyway. Gardening is good for the soul.


Even if you kill every plant you touch? Asking for a friend.

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Especially so!

Teaches resilience

This article is very good (if frightening).

It starts off reading like it’s an over reaction, but they back it up with enough evidence quotes and arguments.

Cliffs. Containment has failed. We need to focus on what to do next.

It has some actually useful tips at the end.

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Good article. Going to pop these charts in here because I haven’t seen anything like this laid out in a chart before now.



One thing of concern:

‘“While a lot isn’t known about this virus, at this stage it appears to cause mild illness in the majority of people with a low case fatality rate. So while it will cause disruption for a time to health services and economies, they will eventually recover as more and more people become immune.”’

There have been some so far unsubstantiated reports that recovered patients can get infected again. Let’s all hope that is not true.

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futures down around 1.5%