Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Iran now at 8 dead and supposedly 42 infected. Not sure what they are doing for containment, but it sure feels like this might be one of the biggest problem spots since there are clearly thousands infected by now.

The way it has played out in Iran, Italy, and South Korea, we have to assume there are a bunch of other similar outbreaks warming up. Right?

Predictions on where next? I’m betting Philippines is gonna blow up, but probably won’t be detected until it’s much bigger.

Vietnam, Cambodia, both in the same boat.

It the Italian outbreak reaches Milan in numbers then containment is a lost cause. Too many travellers to too many places. Iran is like China, a local disaster but much easier to contain. A lot depends on what exactly caused the outbreak in Italy.

I think for sure a bunch of other outbreaks are a near certainty but I don’t know enough to even try to predict the most likely spots. Italy sure wouldn’t have been one of my guesses. And especially not the area around Piedmont.

Could be an outbreak anywhere. Really tough to predict given how interconnected the world is. I was just reading how a passenger who has tested positive for the virus took a flight from Montreal to Vancouver. Given how many deaths in Iran I think there could be more than a thousand unconfirmed cases. Just takes one to start an outbreak like they have seen in Italy.

My mom speaks of measles in hushed tones, the same way people in a Harry Potter book talk about Voldemort. It is so goddamn infectious it’s completely off the charts. It’s insane. Imagine something an order of magnitude more infectious than smallpox. And yeah, it only has a mortality rate of 0.1% or whatever, but EVERYONE gets measles when it comes to your town.

And it was especially lethal when it came to the new world and people had no resistance at all. Measles cut through native people like a hot knife through butter, they just had no chance. Just Biblical devastation:

In 1529, a measles outbreak in Cuba killed two-thirds of those natives who had previously survived smallpox. Two years later, measles was responsible for the deaths of half the population of Honduras, and it had ravaged Mexico, Central America, and the Inca civilization.[145]

Between roughly 1855 and 2005, measles has been estimated to have killed about 200 million people worldwide.[88] Measles killed 20 percent of Hawaii’s population in the 1850s.[146] In 1875, measles killed over 40,000 Fijians, approximately one-third of the population.[147] In the 19th century, the disease killed 50% of the Andamanese population.[148] Seven to eight million children are thought to have died from measles each year before the vaccine was introduced.[24]

Right now there is a massive measles epidemic ripping through the Congo. At least 6,000 deaths. It is 100% preventable, but the world doesn’t give a shit. Peeps here follow the news closely and I bet hardly any of you have even heard about this.


I’ve only heard about the measles epidemic in the Congo in the last week or so, I think from you earlier in this thread. But I try to avoid the news like the plague, (no pun intended), so I’m not a good proxy for how widely this info is disseminated.

One of my good friends from high school is now an acupuncturist. She posted an article on Facebook about how to treat coronavirus patients with acupuncture and herbs.


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Yea I don’t think I’ve heard anything about the measles. Sad that something 100% preventable is still a problem in 2020. Maybe people will care if a bunch of dumb antivax westerners contract it.

Only reason I know about measles in the Congo or CWD in North American deer is because of my mom. No clue where she gets all of this intel from, somehow this retired boomer has her finger on the pulse of disease outbreaks worldwide.

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Symptoms may include having a feverish body temperature that’s 0.4 F above average and a cough and fatigue. LMFAO, we’re never containing this by checking people’s body temperatures at airports. Just no way you could ever screen that out given the normal distribution of human body temperatures.

Good news for children.

Based on all 72,314 cases of COVID-19 confirmed, suspected, and asymptomatic cases in China as of February 11, a paper by the Chinese CCDC released on February 17 and published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology has found that the risk of death increases the older you are, as follows:


Reports from Iran’s semiofficial ILNA news agency saying there have been 50 deaths in Iran this month from the virus.

If this is true it sounds like they initially tried to hid that there was cases for weeks and that they have way more cases than they are officially reporting.

The new death toll is significantly higher than the latest number of confirmed cases of infections that Iranian officials had reported just a few hours earlier by and which stood at just 12 deaths out of 47 cases, according to state TV.

He said the 50 deaths date as far back as Feb. 13. Iran, however, first officially reported cases of the virus and its first deaths on Feb. 19.

Sounds like how I would create a virus in the game “Plague”. Pretty harmless in the beginning but with rapid spreading before I turn it up and it gets deadly and its too late for authorities to do anything efficient against it.

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Market now down almost 3%, gold up $40

Well, shit. Not how I wanted things to progress ahead of a bachelor party in Vegas in a week and a half. Just gonna assume I’m getting it at this point.

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Grunching but there is no way for the US to impose the draconian controls that China used to slow down the virus.

Remember weeks ago when I started posting about how this was really really really bad and everyone laughed? Good times.


No, I don’t actually remember everyone laughing.


Literally a post in here from someone who said they checked the thread for its comedic value.