Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Just fyi on the masks, the disposable masks I ordered on January 27th that said they were in stock on Amazon at the time, still haven’t shipped. I’d say you’ll have to look in stores for those.

I’m 100% cash as of Friday. Emotional hedge, I hope I’m wrong

About a week and a half ago I moved my families investments from 35% bonds/fixed to 50%, but was too embarrassed to admit it until now. (I road out 2000 and 2008 without changing anything, so it’s not like I don’t usually have the stomach for this.)

If the market does drop, I plan to push my bonds/fixed incrementally into stocks at 20% dip, 30% dip, and 40% dip. And go to 100% stocks if we hit a 50% dip. Then hold my ass and hope for the best from there.


Just made the yearly contribution to my wife’s and my Canadian IRA-equivalents, but I haven’t decided what to do with them yet. We’re in a 2-1 equity-fixed mix at the moment.

Literally every study into market shifts concludes the worst thing you can possibly do is try to predict market changes based on short term news events.


Pretty sure everyone reading this thread knows that they can’t reliably time the market

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The US Healthcare billing system will be brought to its knees.

Isn’t that what you are doing? My apologies if I misunderstood.

I literally said in my post that it was an emotional hedge

I guess I don’t understand what that means?

It means that if we end up in the grips of a global pandemic (bad) that I might catch a quick double up (good)

Sorry I’m not trying to be obtuse. How is that not timing the market?

I agree 100%, which is why I “only” went to 50% bonds/fixed instead of something more drastic like my heart/emotions are telling me to do. But yes this is clearly market timing. And generally I’m mostly against it, although my plan to shove more and more into equity at defined points during a market downturn has been in place for a while. And that is also obviously market timing.

It is literally timing the market. I’m choosing to do something irrational to feel good. It’s a human thing :joy:

Oh ok. That’s totally fair.

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I don’t

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Welp, and there goes the best thread about this threat on Bogleheads. Somebody went too far and mentioned that older people face a very serious risk if this spreads widely.

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I’ll be honest. I was thinking about it while going around the supermarket yesterday.

I’m not sure exactly what I’m preparing for tho. So at the moment it’s pretty irrational.

I’m more worried about my 80 year old dad. I work in a call centre. So 1. We cant work from home and 2. Solid chance everyone gets sick.

Worried that I catch it and give it to my dad.

Hmm. Keeping him stocked up on food, with masks, sanitizer, etc. And not visiting him if this goes off, probably the best approach.

No clue.

I have a strong aversion to panics and claims “this one” is different. I guess I’m a bit of a evangelical of the mean.

Statistically, it’s going to bite me in the ass at some point.