Democratic Presidential Primary Poll: February 18

Ok, then. We are done.

Heā€™s the biggest donor to the Democratic party there is. In terms of change on the ground ROI Iā€™d like to see more billionaires go this wayā€¦ assuming they are lobbying for things like climate change, reducing inequality, and democracy reform. It takes money to win in American politics. We can hate that all we want but that doesnā€™t make it less true.

How fucked up is it that a handful of people are able to run campaigns for potus because they have enough money themselves while it might barely be adequate to have ten million regular donors?

Billionaires shouldnā€™t exist. 100% tax on everything over something like $10M or $20M which is already crazy rich, but not enough to have immense political power without a lot of support.

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It looks like heā€™s spent in the realm of a couple hundred million on various political initiatives, including voter sign ups, ballot initiatives for clean energy, closing tax loopholes and other stuff. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re looking for if thatā€™s not enough. Do you want him to become a mendicant? Lol. Like, if we actually want to come close to averting the worst results of climate change, we are going to need people like him. Iā€™m sorry that makes you uncomfortable.

Ok, yeah, I think everyone here generally agrees that this is a fucked up situation. So what? Complaining about it doesnā€™t move the ball at this point.

Ok, and Steyer is a nice guy and all, but him being POTUS or VP moves the ball in the wrong direction, although maybe two billionaire POTUSes (or supposed billionaire anyway) in a row is an accelerationist win.

lol at trusting billionaires

So thereā€™s no room between billionaire and mendicant? Heā€™s literally doing the equivalent of me giving a couple of bucks to a homeless guy to stop climate changeā€¦ and you worship him. Like seriously, he could give away 99% of his fortune and still have more money than you could ever hope to accumulate.

Whatā€™s going to happen is that society as we know it wonā€™t exist in 100 years, because our society cannot handle the 4-6 degrees of warming that weā€™re facing. His fortune will still exist because he just needs more and more money, then whoever gets it when he dies will need the same. Heā€™d rather hang onto it until itā€™s literally meaningless, than actually help out, if it means heā€™s not as powerful as he once was. Heā€™s been making that decision for decades, even back when he actually could do something for climate change. He will continue making that decision.

Huey Longā€™s Share Our Wealth program included a restriction where nobody could make more than 300 times than the average family income in a year.

Imagine that being a thing now. People would lose their shit. Back then, Huey was actually popular with that plan. Shame that he didnā€™t last long enough to implement it.


If he is worth 1.2B and he has dedicated 200M thatā€™s not the equivalent you you giving a couple bucks to a homeless guy (assuming you arenā€™t in debt or living paycheck to paycheck).

I donā€™t see how it moves the ball in the wrong direction. I guess if you think a billionaire always has ulterior motives and isnā€™t genuine, but there is no point in ya arguing any more, if so.

Youā€™re kind of being a dick and doing ā€œIā€™m done with you. But, hereā€™s moreā€. If youā€™re done, be done. I donā€™t give a fuck.

Itā€™s not that he has to be secretly bad at heart and hiding it so he can really lower his taxes. Itā€™s that rich people buying their way in is a bad thing in and of itself and I think itā€™s something that would have been obvious like 10 years ago and is now already more normalized by the (sorta) billionaire in office.

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Lol at being MAD at Steyer when the median billionaire is like Adelson and affecting the globe horribly. What the fuck do people prefer that he do that is reasonably within the realm of possibility?

I for one am not all that upset that Steyer has bought his way in to make a very loud impassioned plea for climate change that most of the less well off politicians are skirting or merely paying lip service to. And he backs up his words with money. What is the problem here? If the answer is that he exists. Well, tough, comrade.

Iā€™m done arguing about a particular topic, if it looks like we donā€™t have any chance to have a meaningful discussion. For example, if youā€™re not going to inform yourself enough about Steyer to have any idea about what he has done to fight climate change and push for reforms, Iā€™m not going to keep arguing about the merits of his accomplishments with you.

Steyer stole his money from the labor that created it. He should give it to his employees instead of using it on elections and climate change.

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I would take your word for his accomplishments if you would share them. You could even guess: seems like heā€™s spent about X.

Iā€™m also telling you that I think itā€™s a bad idea for any billionaire to spend their way into the Presidency. Bad for America and democracy. Heā€™s certainly not the only candidate who wants to address the environment.

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Iā€™m not trying to be a dick, I realize that I am probably coming across that way. Itā€™s coming from my frustration with all of you just writing this guy off based on prejudice and being really fucking self righteous about it. Itā€™s tiresome.

Idgaf if his hedge fund traders have smaller third homes than him. What employees did he have working in sweat shops? Or is it simply that he traded in companies that exploited workers?


He basically made it gambling dude. His employees were extremely well compensated banksters.

Think of the utter devastation that would be wrought if we capped people at $15 million a year in income, how would they even manage to get by on $40,000 a day?