Democratic Presidential Primary Poll: February 18

Steyer is a horrible VP for Bernie. Crusading against billionaires while having a billionaire as a running mate is a horrible idea.

ā€œIā€™m a billionaire, and Bernieā€™s right.ā€ Seems horrible.

You do not sip tea with the enemy.

If this were even a little bit true, he wouldnā€™t still be a billionaire. Thereā€™s so many ā€œresultsā€ he could make happen with that money, but instead he feels an irrational need to hold on to the ā€œpowerā€ he feels from it.

What do you know about Steyer and what he has been doing with his money?

To clarify: Accordjng to his interview, he has pledged to give the majority of his wealth away before he dies. He claims to have spent at least the last ten years toward spending his money to affect policy changes to address climate change. Do you have any reason to doubt this? If not, Iā€™m not sure what merit your criticism has.

Heā€™s using his money to try to gain power. Itā€™s what doing right in front of us.

yea man, heā€™s spent a tiny fraction of his money to address climate change while using the vast majority of it to get more money and more power. Heā€™s a great guy. good stuff. letā€™s all worship billionaires and the weird meaningless pledge theyā€™ve all made to give most of their money away at some unspecified date in the future. before they die they promise because they got called out on the old pledges.

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Thatā€™s not my point, he is not seeking power just for the sake of holding power, heā€™s doing it to address climate change. You donā€™t see the difference, between that and say GOPete who is clearly just seeking power for the sake of it?

Thatā€™s what they all say though. You are mindreading steyer and claiming his secret inner heart is golden. Micro is skeptical.

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You should listen to the podcast. You donā€™t really seem to know what you are talking about. If heā€™s an enemy and what he has been doing over the past decade or so is not worthy of praise to you, I donā€™t know what to say other than you donā€™t seem to have a realistic view of how the world or people operate or even the scale of the problem, which is to say you donā€™t really have an opinion worth listening to.

If heā€™s that vague about it? Yeah. What percent of his money has he spent doing what? If heā€™s spent hundreds of millions of dollars on it, I would expect some highlights.

I mean, if weā€™re talking about comparing what heā€™s done to what heā€™s capable of doing to what Iā€™ve done and what Iā€™m capable of doing, then Iā€™ve done way, way more to slow down climate change than he has. You just donā€™t understand what it means to have a billion dollars. Youā€™d hate him just as much as I do if you did.

Itā€™s totally believable Steyer spent ~4% of his net worth on ads to impeach Trump to address climate change and not to build himself up as a Presidential candidate.

Heā€™s like also already too late. If he really wanted to do something about climate change, then itā€™s something he needed to do decades ago. The stuff heā€™s doing now is too little too late.

Did you listen to the interview?

You donā€™t even know a thing about him. You have no idea what heā€™s done.

No. He doesnā€™t seem like a viable candidate so Iā€™m not that interested.

I know he could spend 95% of his fortune fighting climate change and heā€™d still make more than five grand a day from interest on whatā€™s left over. Has he come even close to like actually doing anything? fuck no.

Supposedly heā€™s worth $1.6B. Iā€™d be impressed if heā€™s spent $500 million doing something to try to slow warming.

Read the Political Activity section. It does not appear to include a full accounting of his activities.