Democratic Presidential Primary Poll: February 18

His Wikipedia page has been posted, it lists somewhere north of $100M in spending/donations over the past decade, and I don’t think that’s a full accounting, because in the interview he mentioned he just got news of some success on an AZ ballot initiative regarding energy. I don’t have time to go any deeper than that. Especially considering you and the others I’ve been arguing with have given no indication that you are willing to change your assessment of his motives/character.

  1. Bernie
  2. Warren
  3. Tulsi Steyer Pete Amy Joe Bloomberg

I’m writing him off based on polling. I never paid any attention to that Mike Gravel dude either.

Seems like you’re unwilling to read my posts. I said I think he’s a nice guy and didn’t question his motives. I don’t think it’s good for a billionaire to be POTUS, especially to spend their own money to become POTUS. If he were the only good candidate, sure, I’d support him, but he’s not.

I believe he wants to address climate distruption, but I also think it not great to even have billionaires and he’s no Chuck Feeney. But, again, it’s not that I’m really wanting him to be a saint. I’m wanting money to not mean power.

Money will always mean power, wtf?

Ok, but we don’t have to make it literally President of the United States. That’s moving the ball in the wrong direction in my opinion. You’re free to believe that making a billionaire POTUS or VP is not, ipso facto, a bad thing for democracy.