Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends


tweet this on our twitter account, that’s a great story. I am hoping to convert some people using stuff from here too.


10000% this. And my relatives, all European migrants, will never raise jobs and yet every Anglo-Australian I meet instantly does.


I was going to add a caveat in there for @Narrator w/ a final paragraph where I’d set up the punchline but didn’t really come together and would’ve tainted the tone.

She’s a D in all ways but brand loyalty. She chose R at 18 on a census largely bc her mom (a lifelong D who was a R in every way, especially as the parties evolved) and the household (of jerks) was all California D’s. She picked her party the way a family of asshole Yankee fans might beget a Mets fan. She then ended up with my dad (an eventual bog-standard deplorable) during Carter’s presidency.

Trump’s big appeal is that it tapped into the way Reagan made her feel. We sat down a few years back and every single issue she leaned D. Your points in general are valid but she’s closer to suzzer then what you’re envisioning. I can read her like it’s nothing too.

I don’t expect her to be a card carrying D, I just want her out of the cult.


This is so true. My mom is a “both sides suck” Trumper and my best friend from HS “hates politics.” “Politics sucks and is for idiot plebs but also insert every republican talking point about Trump not AKSHULLY being a racist and really loving and standing up for MURICA.”


I’ve never met a both-sides-suck-er who leans anything but hard right.


Depends how you define “sides.”

To the general public, that’s most of us here (Sides = Parties).

You are probably also talking about those who aren’t politically inclined (pre-Trump).

Don’t know how many 20+ year hardcore Fox viewers (her) would say both sides suck (including Trump).

I know I’m setting myself up for potential disappointment.

Simply giving a more accurate picture to my anecdote that the convo spurred. She’s already watched DW (BBC before) and Al Jazeera for years. It’s why the Trump loyalty was so confounding: she should know better.

Maybe it’s the way it’s said. Anyone who leads with “both sides suck man” is always right. Lefties just complain about neoliberals or something. They don’t lead with “both sides suck”.

Well conservatives are being disingenuous and liberals know to keep it to like-minded company or you’re hurting the cause.

You know any liberals that tell everyone they’re really classical conservatives or watev?

eta on a reread:

Sure, bc it’s self-evident.

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Both groups are correct that the politicians are using them and aren’t true believers ftmp.

In Australia I’ve never met one either. Also never met a ‘not telling you who I voted for’ who didn’t vote right.

I always get sucked in too. Like ok this guy claims to be an independent free thinker who doesn’t swear allegiance to either party. Then he posts the bombshell that icebergs melting doesn’t raise sea level - and all those dumb dummy scientists can’t even figure that out.

I’ve made a gentleman’s wager with three people on Facebook about who will be the POTUS after Jan 20th. All I asked them to do was reflect on all the ways they’d been lied to if it’s Biden and not Trump. I’m not optimistic about how it’s gonna go but it should be interesting either way.

One of them told me if he’s right I have to make a post admitting I was wrong and he said he would do the same. I am looking forward to seeing what he does when the deadline passes.


Everyone knows the Biden inauguration was a deep fake and the real government had moved to Mar A Lago.

Someone posted that now they’re saying Trump will be inaugurated in April for some reason. So this is probably what they’ll all say.

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the trump inauguration will be the new healthcare plan. it’s always two weeks from today.


I think they could actually just show people the 2017 inauguration on OAN and tell their audience its live. I’m not sure their audience would doubt it.


Please keep us posted. That’s a great idea.

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I figured it was a way to roll everything up into this one thing instead of having to debunk their endless claims. Couldn’t have done it a year ago but now the people they’re getting this stuff from have committed themselves.

I figure it’s going to be like a doomsday cult that grows its membership each time doomsday comes and goes but that will be worth watching too.