Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

1970s were a bit unrepresentative of larger history. between the repressions, famine, and war, that was the first generation that at least finished school on a relative baby boom, which somehow escaped cult of a living leader, and instead were fully indoctrinated in ideology of communism/anti-fascism/anti-imperialism. there was a real economic boom, even in comparison with the west.

it also depended how close to the party or marginalized you were.

I’m sure you can google stats for how many people find there job meaningful. I don’t think they are good.


But even people that hate their jobs usually find some comfort with routine and the social bonds you create.

I submit to you that we can find the same routine and social bonds outside of pushing paper and doing something we hate.

The issue is our survival is tied to having a job the market finds valuable. Key point is the market thinks it is valuable. Most humans are doing things they don’t feel like add value to society.


The UBI virus which no one will get in the foreseeable future is spreading. Containment thread?

“What do you do for work?”

I like the question if I’m clear what it means to me or the other person.

  • “What economic value do you contribute?”

  • “Have you found a career that fulfills you?”

  • “I hate my job. Do you hate yours?”

  • “Do you like capitalism?”

  • “You seem happy… WTF?”


You forgot

 *This is awkward and I want to fill in dead air

Could also be a cry for help :thinking:

Me: “What do you do for work?”

Lifeguard: “Just go down the slide, kid.”


My fault as usual. I really thought we were done after that first quick exchange. So close.

It’s all good I was just joking around.

This what we’re up against. “Let’s review. We know God said Donald Trump would serve 8 years…” (cheers and yeahs) from the crowd.

JFC these people.

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And since God is never wrong :thinking:

That’s just logic.

Careful now. Logic is the devil’s work. You start with that shit and pretty soon you’re talking about facts and reason. You want to go to hell?

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But that’s where all my friends will be


One thing I heard from boss man at a factory job once, “There’s a difference between those that want to work and those that need to work.”

They recognize who they can squeeze real quick.

It’s certainly true in Australia.

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Well that makes sense as when it started the question was, “What did you do?”

Day after the storming, while dropping off her groceries, I asked my mom if she had any mea culpa for me.

“For what?”
“For the whole Capitol thing?!?”
“That was ANTIFA!”
“Oh my god. I swear Mom, this is where it gets to where I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“Oh honey, no. Not again.”
“Here, I want to show you some things.”

And then from there, due to this place’s awesome aggregation, I showed her a quick rundown of some of the eyewitness stuff that had been linked. Now this isn’t the first time I’ve sat down with her in front of the computer and shown her things. But this time was different.

After almost an hour of me showing diff clips, pausing along the way for personal monologues and back and forth Q and A, she asked me to turn it off and said she was tired of all the anger and hate she was seeing. I reiterated a few things softly to close the sale for the day and called it good.

Came back the next day to deliver the second half of her groceries after shopping (stimulus had her stocking up) and she said she wanted to talk to me. Said she’d been thinking all night about things and she was done with politics. That they’re all crooks and she’s through. Said 75% of congress is probably corrupt, I said it’s higher except for Bernie — and he’s naïve, which she nodded to.

She tried to put up some half-hearted defenses the day prior but all my wearing her down has had an effect, she knows who Trump is but it took this final act of overt hubris to seal the deal. The split between what she was told on Fox and the reality I showed was too much to deny also. She now knows everyone but me has been lying to her all along.


I’m an only child and my mom is a widow so this relationship is super important to both of us.

I’m really optimistic about how I’m going to be able to look at her again. It’s already coming back.


You unstuck your mom.

Be careful though, the “everybody sucks” crowd is usually insincere both-sidesing from Trumpers. It’s actually true, but the criticism means two entirely different things depending on whether it comes from the right or left. “I’m not political” and “everybody is terrible” are red flags for Southparkers who manage to nonetheless support the worst people.

Nonetheless, this is an improvement and you are a hero for showing that kind of love and possibly rescuing someone who seemed unrecoverable.