Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

They basically want this to happen, under the auspices of child trafficking or treason with China or whatever.

yea the going line right now seems to be a military coup installing Trump, but it would be fine because then the crimes of the left and others will be shown to the world.

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These are people who still believe most of the damage was done by antifa, despite every single person arrested being a hardcore Trumper with years of social media to prove it. They are completely impervious to facts.

I’d have to watch the Youtubes he sent me more carefully, but my vague understanding is it wouldn’t be a coup. Something about the insurrection act was already secretly invoked two years ago and the Capitol riot was a covert op, the purpose of which was to collect Democrat laptops for evidence of them being in the pedophilia ring or something. Trump administration allowed the Democrats to believe they had won so they would all gather to be arrested at the inauguration.

And the horned guy is actually a special ops guy who led the laptop collection mission.


Try to get her to read Hate, Inc by Matt Taibbi. I got it for my Fox News watching Dad this Christmas and he liked it.

Speak of the devil. This same guy just sent me these. Hadn’t heard from him in days. Clearly he is on one today. I haven’t told him yet the Italian government story is from 2019.

I assume they’re all part of the global pedophile ring that Trump is exposing. This guy’s hope has been renewed.

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haha i forgot about the obamagate declassification, i heard that one last night too

I don’t even know what that is yet.

The hat is his cover.

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This shit is always posted by a deplorlable. And “spew hate” always means, “say mean things about Trump”.


Yea I found this one on a friends page who posts terrible right wings memes non-stop.


It’s always the far-right-wingers. They want to hold terrible views but then have it be just politics and everyone pretend they aren’t horrible people.

I would dig up some more from this person’s timeline. But then FB will think I want to interact and start promoting everything she posts.




You could always respond with this:


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I’m having a real hard time coping with the fact that I’ve lost my parents. I got this text from my brother. I know it’s not malicious and it’s just years and years of Fox News and now Newsmax, but fuck it hurts to know.


They also refuse to get a vaccine.

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Yeah it’s painful. My brothers and I all feel like we’ve kinda lost our father, and he’s not half as far gone as your mom.

I’m pretty close to pulling the Christian God blah blah card.


@JohnnyTruant dropped this in the COVID memes thread