Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Was given my mother’s iPhone to fix it (didn’t know how to turn off flashlight lol). Along the way, I see Parler installed on it. Explains why she posts nothing about politics on Facebook anymore. Anybody else have family members diving into that or checked it out themselves?

The opinions she shares in close, mixed company haven’t changed. It’s basic alt-right shit and easy to ignore. But I would like to see what she’s diving into there. Wonder if what is shared there is more extreme than the alt-right stuff she was seeing on Facebook.

obviously hide the app on her phone somehow is the play


It’s an absolute lock that what she is seeing on there is more dangerous than what she was seeing on Facebook. Parental lock the app in some fashion imo.

Find your mom’s user name, set up a fake account and then “dox” her with information that she would be alarmed a stranger knows but no one IRL would care about. Stuff like her favorite color, a place she went on vacation 20 years ago, the name of her pet growing up, etc. Then when she comes to you, tell her there are Soros spies infiltrating the Deep State and they must have gotten to her.


whole new meaning


OK, let’s play…

…and that’s when I hit the buzzer


Not a tough call, he’s a racist scumbag


I would have derailed that whole affair.

How many MyPillows does he own?


Is he a white male? If so then you’re well on the way!

I talked to my 91 year old grandma last night half tossed for 3 hours. She ripped on Trump, Republicans and a few family members that like Trump. It was refreshing. She’s been in a room in her retirement home since March lol. She is supposed to get a vaccine early January though.


If this was tough to figure out , life must be extremely confusing for you.


Problem is that I’m the only person who has occasional access to her phone when in America. If she couldn’t find or open it, it’d be way too obvious that I did it given how aware she is of my politics. She sucks at technology but she can put 2 and 2 together.

I’d like some light trolling for lolz but that might feed into the right’s tendency to play the victim every time somebody slights them. It actually might be what some deplorables look for.

Get him Howard Zinns book for xmas


Overheard from some distantly-related deplorables over the holidays:

The flu is just as bad as covid.
They are inflating the covid numbers.
Why are there no cases of the flu this year???
I had covid and it wasn’t that bad.

This from a person that followed none of the protocols and was infected, which resulted in everyone in his household becoming infected. They sound like Hannity bullet points?

My mom tried this one on me last week. In reply she folded to the the easiest soft dunking OAT.

Woman I worked with is posting on Insta about how the Pope has been arrested for child sex trafficking and helping steal the election from Trump along with Italy.

Vatican in total blackout. Lame stream media won’t show you this.


We tried to tell you.


How much is the markup for the Black Rifle name and whose beans do they repackage?

Was it confirmed if the zip tie mamas boy was the owner of that coffee company? (Checked it out, it wasn’t the owner or one of the employees. So I guess that twitter crowd sourcing thread had it wrong.)