Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Your brother sounds like one of the absolute worst people ever, sorry you have to deal with this.


Of course…

Tell them no?

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I’m just scratching the surface of his crazy here. Don’t want to go too far down the rabbit hole, but he is a “certified” faith healer who goes on mission trips to third world countries to heal the sick. On his last trip, his group made the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, etc.

I’m sure he thinks he can just pray the COVID away.

Well could he please hurry up? Several thousand people are dying every day.


sigh I have no idea if you’ll be able to thread the needle between keeping your mother healthy and retaining some sort of relationship with your brother. To be honest, I don’t think I am a good enough person to pull this off, and I feel like I would end up threatening to physically put a stop to it. Much depends on your mother though - if she is willing to see him and take the risk, I guess you have to respect that on some level. But if I felt she was being coerced in some way, I fear that I would talk myself into taking matters into my own hands (and I’m certainly not some kind of tough guy).


Yea same. If it were me, I’d be telling my brother “If mom gets sick or dies, I am holding you responsible. I will never speak to you again and I will hire a lawyer to make sure you never get anything in her will.”

How’s quarantine going Johnny?

Passive-aggressively mocking my cousin by laughing at her Facebook post.

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Passive agression isn’t enough. Disown these people.

I prefer angry reacts in that spot.

Mother buying into soft anti-vax propaganda about covid vaccine. Yay.

Two-thirds of the Czech Republic is too.


Confirmed today that my parents still think Trump won but “no courts will actually review his case.”

Yup it’s literally the world VS poor little Donny Diapers. This is a winner’s mentality? Riiiiiight.

What do they say to “they’ve brought 60 cases to courts in 5+ states and lost 59 of them due to lack of any credible evidence”?

How do they know the evidence is credible or not if they don’t even take the case? Gotcha Libtard!

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Conversation from a few minutes ago:

Him: Black Lives Matter doesn’t care about black on black crime.
Me: What?
Him: All the murders and stuff in Chicago.
Me: Why is that happening?
Him: Blacks are 13% of the population and commit 50% of the crimes. (No idea where this info comes from)
Me: Why is that the case?
Him: Well your Demon-rat friends say it’s because their poor and ancestors were slaves and all that.
Me: Is that what you think?
Him: No.
Me: So what do you think?
Him: About what?
Me: You said that black people are an eighth of the population and commits half the crime. Why is this?
Him: Well they say…
Me: I don’t care what “they” say. I’m asking what you think?
Him: Well, I guess it’s in their blood.
Me: Uh…
Him: And then they get together in gangs and then they just go crazy.
Me: I’m just gonna let you think about that one and make sure that’s what you really want to be saying. Merry Christmas!


Just had a 3 hr convo with my 91 year old grandma who would fit in with us. I’m sorry bro. My grandma is one of the few at that age probably.

Some day we will be that age if we survive the coming insurrection.

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I just dodge the bullets these days. Don’t even bother responding and I just focus on shifting back to the original topic or a new topic. At this stage, it’s not worth it. They’ll be the way they are until they die.


My parents, very much conservatives (who disliked Trump but weren’t about to break their addiction to voting Republican), at least seem to not be COVID truthers, which is a relief on multiple levels, and indicates that they haven’t drank every single ounce of the Kool-aid. They’re not quite as cautious as I am or that I would prefer that they be, but none of it seems to be based in any “hoax” stupidity; seems more like a lot of people who have decided that being tired of the virus is an excuse to loosen up and take some chances.

I avoid political discussion with them otherwise. I lack the necessary hubris to believe that I’m the one with the magical powers needed to fix their worldview. If it were just my mom then I’d think there was a real chance of convincing her of some things, but my dad - though certainly a loving father, grandfather, husband, etc. - seems quite unreachable.