Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Not even a little kidding, I would try to pay him to stay home.

Separately, stop taking to him. Seriously.

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Yup - so not sure precautions there really could be. Any recommendations on what I should try to get her to agree to? Masks? Some form of social distancing?

If he enjoys being a dick, telling him no will only make him more inclined to go, so he can lord it over you that he went and she didn’t die. Your mom is the only one who can convince him to do otherwise…if he loves her enough.

She’ll say yes but won’t do it around your brother. I think begging him to be safe for a week and get tested ahead of time is your best bet.

I feel offering to pay him would only make him more certain to go.

I haven’t spoken to him in over a year. Only contact was a text saying happy birthday.

Yeah, I think I’ll mention getting tested to him and talk to my mom about the importance of him getting a test and trying to take precautions at least for when he first arrives is my best bet to accomplish anything of value.

This asshole is never getting tested, nor taking any precautions. Your only hope is mom saying “don’t come.”


I’m thinking that maybe I can convince my mom that him getting tested is a prerequisite for the visit. And then if he refuses it might be enough to convince her to tell him to wait until she’s vaccinated.

What will he be doing while he’s visiting her? A negative test is only worth so much if he’s just gonna YOLO his way to COVID once he’s there.

My Mom takes covid seriously. She understands the risks. She wouldn’t stopping BEGGING me to come back for Christmas.

I don’t know if everyone’s family is the same. But love for your kids is going to win out over rationality every time.

Well if he’s only there for 5 days that eliminates most of the usual incubation time.

Doesn’t it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside that she’s willing to die for you?

I can’t give her covid. I’m her son.

I don’t think he really knows anyone still in town, so don’t think he’ll be doing too much risky stuff. Her church is also all virtual, so hopefully he won’t be taking her to any big in person Christmas gatherings (although he is a huge Joel Osteen fan, so might try to drag her there).

The boundary might be enough for him to back out himself. People are really strange when they insist on zero boundaries for themselves and then encounter one in someone else. I’d be shocked if he agreed, but that makes things easier for everyone if he won’t make one simple accomodation.

I’d also toss in a “and if you kill our mother I will legit murder you and nobody will ever find your body” but I guess I’m a jerk.


So does 239823581 other things apparently (gym, restaurants, haidressing etc)

Nah, deplorable bro obviously thinks it’s a hoax.

Parents are coming down for a week after we barely got them to stay home for thanksgiving. I’m going to be pretty pissed if they get really sick, but there’s no convincing them to stay home.

Sent the following text:

“Based on the surge in cases and CDC guidance, we are not doing any traveling. Given moms age and preexisting conditions, I hope at the least you are self-quarantining and getting tested before your visit.”

Called my mom and she agreed him getting tested was a good idea. She said that she was aware of his crazy beliefs and had spoken to him about staying home in the week before his trip/avoiding large gatherings. He told her that he has always been avoiding large gatherings - which I know to be a lie based on FB stuff - one of his friends posted a video showing them at a tightly packed Christian revival concert (at least it was outdoor I guess, but still seems like a nice super-spreader event as everyone is singing for a few hours)

She said she will try talk to him again, as she understands the risk to herself (she told me she hasn’t even been shopping and only in-person social interaction is occasionally doing outdoor visits with my sister’s family).

Planning to talk to my sister as well, but not sure there is much more I can do.