Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

ty for making me feel slightly better about my conservative brother! I recently shouted at him that he had no rights over my reproductive system when he decided abortion was an area we needed to be discussing.


Makes my single-issue SIL look tame (she’s anti-abortion, of course, so refuses to vote anything but R)

I would have zero qualms cutting that person out of my life entirely.


Thanks guys, I actually haven’t seen him outside of family events in at least a year because of these convos.

One thing that I think about is that we used to be really close basically until I decided to get into politics after trump was elected. Never discussed politics at all though really, then we do talk about it and now I have to deal with this and knowing it that’s how he feels.

So if I had never brought it up I’d never know and we would probably be ok but I feel like that’s not my fault really. I didn’t know he was crazy and kinda hard to just forget that stuff now.

Don’t argue over text.
If you are going to engage, don’t trade jabs. Try to foster understanding. For instance, the better replies to absent fathers are: the legacy of slavery, inability to own property and build wealth, and the drug war and carceral state.

Yea I mean I get that, those were snippets of an hours long conversation so it had escalated. I really just need to not talk to him. I’ve covered the reasons for the births out of wedlock thing before, it makes no difference.

Christ and I was complaining about people in my family being racist.

Somebody who genuinely thinks like that is better cut out of your life. Wouldn’t even waste my time trolling him.

So i didn’t talk to him since last night and dont really plan on responding but this was just out of the blue a few mins ago after 24 hours of nothing:


the “jesus fuck” is referring to my response when he dropped the line above about african american culture.

lmao? sigh why my brother?

Last time I saw my conspiracy theorist brother he threw a very fruity drink on me and stormed out. I feel for you.

I had a friend stay recently who is a huge Trump fan. The only way I’ve managed to maintain the friendship is through a strict no politics rule. He still tries to break it but I’m adamant in regards to it so he shuts up until I crash and then blasts my bf with it. Totally not like the stereotype as he’s extremely well educated and ridiculously bright which probably makes it worst tbh.

I’ve noticed that there is a subset of people whose lifework is proving that being good at memorizing stuff != intelligence. Being good at taking information and synthesizing it into an accurate picture of the world = intelligence imo. It’s not how much you know it’s how well you can apply it. This is extra true because Google exists.

A society built around passing the multiple question test is somewhat to blame there.

The other is these are the brightest students of the Rush and Shapiro school of thought: memorize our fallacious arguments for maximum liberal tears! (It’s a mental disorder, dontcha know?)

Speaking as someone who is outstanding at multiple choice tests they only show actual intelligence when the person taking them doesn’t know any of the underlying material and can deduce the correct answer from context clues. The tests I’m proudest of are the ones I crushed without studying at all and never going to class.

How do you do on the personality tests?

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INTJ obv.

Big 5 I come in moderately extraverted, moderately neurotic, extremely disagreeable (98th percentile lol), and moderately to extremely conscientious depending on the questions asked.

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Standard PSA: Myers-Briggs tests are non-scientific garbage.


They are fun, though.

I don’t doubt that. But why are we almost all INTJ when it’s supposed to be a low percent of the population?

People who have ever managed to make a living at poker are a type. I’m guessing there are a lot of depressive adhd afflicted intj’s in here.

I’m super borderline on the i part. I’m an insanely judgmental j lol.

And agreed that Meyers Briggs is super blah.

Yeah, but what I’m curious about is if MB is bunk how can it successfully profile all of us?