COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I have a conference in Seattle next month and in LA in October. Both of them are requiring vaccination I believe, but I’m honestly expecting both of them to be “virtualized”.

I also have a conference in LA in October. Planning on going, because I’m 30s live by myself and presenting. Wouldn’t be surprised if they cancel

I passed on Austin two weeks ago. I was getting my 25 year badge from the Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. I’m not sure how much of the program happened in person.

I did a virtual conference and it absolutely sucked last month. No engagement, everything prerecorded and just no reason to go to talks when actual work is competing against learning


I’m independent so the money comes out of my pocket, so to go to a conference it’s gotta be worth my while for networking or at least be a subsidized (tax deductible) vacation.

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Virtual conferences are awful, for sure. No networking, no real learning, and most importantly, we get no good leads for new sales.

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You don’t have to act like a toddler. You are allowed to do whatever you like.

Why are you being so hateful?

That is one of the most hateful things anyone has ever said to me.

I’m going to need to know his vaxx status so I can tell if this is a case of self-abolishment and if his kids are going to get a new step-daddy who is less likely to raise them to be monsters.

Last year when some conferences started going virtual we decided to exhibit in one where the “live” portion was held in European time. I stayed up all night the first day of the conference manning our virtual booth and the only people who stopped by were other eexhibitors. It was a total flop.

I still attend some virtual conferences, but no way we’re spending our small company’s limited resources to pay for a virtual exhibit again.

my county, the local sheriff is a conservative legend in florida, also a complete POS. won’t mandate vaccine or masks for his deputies.

there are like 5 more polk county sheriff deputies in the local icu.

Yup did a presentation that was the cumulation of about 3 years of work, gaining a fairly prestigious slot… and 2 attendees. More authors on the paper than people in attendance.

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Ugggh. My son got a close contact notice today, and he, without knowing that anybody in his class is sick has told me hes very tired and his muscles hurt sooooooo sigh.


Luckily he is fully vaxxed, so hopefully if it is a breakthrough case it is mild


Gonna get a test or just keep him home?

Keep an eye on him for now. Get a test if other symptoms show up, otherwise just try to keep him isolated and see how things progress.

Being tired and sore are symptoms of being a teenager, after all.

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And middle age.