COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I guess some states can afford to kill their voter base and still win elections.

Oh I know. Im not one of those who immediately thinks everything is Covid. I hope he didnt get it, but if he did hopefully it will be mild and quick

The problem with these vague symptoms is it’s hard to tell whether/when it’s OK for them to go back to school unless you get them tested. Just went through it with my kid, that’s why I decided to test, so it wouldn’t just hang over us for the duration.

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Right. If he does have covid, you can’t send him back just because the symptoms are gone.

Yeah, my kid was feeling a little better, definitely ok to go to school under normal circumstances, but I couldn’t responsibly send them without testing.

Complicating matters, my kid has mono, so they have some semi-chronic symptoms from that as well.



Yeah im trying to figure out the best option here. I cant fins anywhere that can do a rapid test without it costing near 100 bucks so the other option is to do a slow test and keep him out for at least this week

Things def going great, first full week was last week, my sister had to hold out all 3 of her kids last week cuz they were exposed.

Now my gfs son comes home today feeling sick and then a couple hours later is like oh yea here’s this letter, he has been exposed. He’s running a fever and shit tonight not great.


If we are sending our unvaccinated kids to school, the most likely outcome is they are going to get COVID before the end of the year.

Ugh. Absolutely absurd that school systems don’t offer on-demand rapid testing for students. Putting tons of people in impossible positions.

Capitalists. :money_mouth_face:


Apparently a lot of people. Here’s one result of a quick googling.

Some of these seem kind of like trash conferences and others seem to be intended for people who happen to be in Florida. But at least some of these seem at least semi-serious and seem like they’re expecting people from elsewhere to attend.

I had a chuckle at the “International Vaccines Congress” being in Orlando. Seems like the work of someone with a strong troll game.

Since anecdotes seem to matter (for some people, the only thing, if anything), last week a guy I’ve played golf with and know professionally died of COVID. 52 years old, not a golden god, but not noticeably out of shape. No underlying conditions. Unvaxxed, and caught it from an employee of his who was positive and didn’t tell anybody while still coming to work. Left two kids. He’s the second death of someone I know personally. The other was 65, but by all accounts healthy.

My aunt is a nurse and is about to get fired for refusing to get the vaccine. Her facebook these days is almost entirely her posting stupid “personal choice” memes. In the middle of it all she had the gall to post a GoFundMe for two kids who are members of her church; BOTH parents (in their 40s) died of COVID. But “keep politics out of this,” as her post states…

From 22.


Don’t worry. You might be misreading my tone a bit, but I’m not judging you. At the same time, these are trying times, so I understand being on edge.

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JFC. CVS suuuuucks. I avoid them like the plague because they always have the longest lines to check out.

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This isn’t a great take, imo.

Sure the number of people who would boo Florida Man at a rally over this is tiny, but there are plenty of people who maybe wouldn’t do that but are still anti-vax enough in their opinions that they would vote the same way and support the same policies as the people who actually booed. Such people are a minority but they’re not a “statistically…tiny portion”.

But they’re single-issue voter also insane zealots, whereas the pro-vaxx Republicans just want to focus on critical race theory and don’t care about vaccines.

it’s the same thing with guns and abortion. The nutjobs have outsized leverage over the R party, which in turn shapes US policy.

My stepdad is a moderate R who thinks guns should be regulated. But he’s not going to vote against the R party because of it (unless they run Trump, who he hated). But gun nuts will absolutely leave the party and not vote if they don’t receive 100% fealty at all times. Same for anti-vaxx nutjobs now that Rs have successfully captured a lot of them.

I agree with “outsized influence”.

But I don’t think zealous anti-vaxxers, gun nuts, or pro-lifers are “statistically tiny” either. They are all minorities, and they have more voice than their numbers deserve, but they’re not that rare. Perhaps this distinction is somewhat nitty on my part, but I think it is true.

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