COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

A cruise ended prematurely in Dubai for German ship „Mein Schiff 6“ and its 2000 passengers because several cases of Corona were discovered among the passengers (all 12+ were fully vaccinated)

True provided omicron provides immunity against reinfection from it unlike delta from omicron.


I’m still feeling very worried about Delta long term. I’m skeptical of any Delta extinction possibilities due to Omicron because of:

  1. Omicron providing only mild immunity to Delta, or only waning immunity to Delta
  2. Vaccine immunity waning in general (there will almost certainly be less uptake in boosters than there was in the original vax)
  3. Major unvaxxed population in the USA and elsewhere
  4. Further Delta mutations due to increased selection pressure
  5. Near abandonment of masking/social distancing

I think European approach of making life hell for the unvaxxed to force them to get vaccinated, and letting the vaxxed live basically a normal life, is probably still the best approach we’ve got. Offering vax in exchange for a normal life is a win-win that non-dysfunctional countries (read: not the USA) should be able to swing politically, even if it’s not totally optimal for fighting Covid.

My take is Omicron might well be a positive development for humans, but it could be short-lived. USA needs to take this opportunity to get vaxxed as much as possible or else the wave is going to settle back into a stasis of ~20,000 cases/day of Delta into perpetuity as we wait for the next variant crisis.


Day 7 – still no real symptoms (although wearing a mask all day when I have to help with the baby makes me feel congested), but still tested positive.


20K cases of Delta a day a pretty optimistic 2022 end game tbh.

I am very hopeful we get a Spring respite now, just hate the price we are going to pay to get there and share your longer-term concerns.

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I’m loathe to even post this:

In better news:


Nice. I wonder how quickly I’ll be able to make an appointment for my son online. I may use incorrect info to make the appointment and then show up with him.

Has the thread reached consensus on when to leave isolation?

From what I can gather from different sources. Seems it’s something like.

10 days from first symptoms. Without ongoing serious symptoms and no fever for 72 hours


3 days with no fever, symptoms getting better, and 2 negative antigen tests 24 hours apart


7 days from symptoms and 2 negative antigen tests 24 hours apart.

Anyone got anything better than this?

3.5 year old upgraded to 5G! No real issues. There was one touch-and-go moment right before the shot where the nurse asked him how old he was, but he just smiled at her and said, “Good!” The kid’s a natural.


World confirmed Covid cases 7DMA went from 680k to 1.3MM between 12-21 and 12-31, basically doubling in ten days.

So far, Omicron has had only modest impact in the developing world–whether this is due to lower spread (since it tends to go to USA/Europe first and spread from there) or lower testing due to mild symptoms is unclear. Probably both.

But you can see cases starting to rise almost everywhere. Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Bolivia, Morocco, India, the Philippines–basically everywhere besides parts of East Asia that are insulated due to very strict entry requirements.

Didn’t send my kids back to school today.

New York City isn’t requiring students to be tested before returning to school. [NYC Mayor] Adams says it’s a “good idea” but deferred to [Governor] Hochul on the issue.

One school in Brooklyn, PS 58, won’t open its doors at all Monday after the principal emailed parents the night before that there weren’t “enough staff to open the building safely.”

Principal Katie Dello Stritto went on to say that she requested guidance from the Department of Education about an emergency closure but had not gotten a “clear response” to the staffing crisis.

In response to News 4’s request for comment, the DOE said PS 58 did not have the authorization to close the school or to send out the email. The department spokesperson said officials were working to provide support to the school so it could open and now the matter is under investigation.

“All of the data shows that the safest place for children is inside a school and we’re working with our school leaders to ensure they are fully prepared to welcome back students and staff safely in-person on Monday,” the DOE spokesperson said in a statement. "We have robust measures in place to immediately address any staffing issues to keep our doors open for the hundreds of thousands of children and families who rely on schools as a lifeline every day.”

The school, which serves pre-kindergarten to fifth grade, will reopen on Tuesday, but it isn’t the only one dealing with staffing issues. Another parent expressed frustration on Twitter after receiving an email that school childcare at PS 36 on Staten Island would be canceled after staff members tested positive for COVID-19.

The president of the United Federation of Teachers, which represents New York City educators, said in an email to members Sunday that the union had asked Adams to postpone in-person learning for a week to assess potential staffing shortages.

Uhhh the “Only in America” thread would like to have a word with you.


DC public schools were originally scheduled to be mostly closed Monday and Tuesday of this week. I say mostly, because they were going to use Monday to distribute rapid tests to students and faculty, Tuesday as the day for everyone to submit results, and then everyone with a negative test could return on Wednesday. Well, it decided to snow today, so now a snow day on Monday has led them to cancel Wednesday classes so that they can shift the testing process back by a day. (And, given DC covid rates, they’ll probably close again when like 30% of the faculty tests positive)

The audacity of this fraud is amazing to me. I think I mentioned what this group did before but holy shit. (This paper is from a few FLCCC folk, including one that wrote some things I liked about sepsis a ways back that ended up never being replicated)

Cliffs are they added a bunch of patients just before the end date of their study. They went on to die in really high numbers, but after the end of the study date so they reported them as alive in the paper


As mentioned earlier, Columbus City Schools are open for business (masking and other measures in place), but individual schools will go remote if staffing is too low. Apparently that ended up being 8 schools on this first day back. Going to be an interesting next few weeks.

it’s summer down there, there are a ton of people coming and going, it seems inevitable that someone would get through at some point regardless of how well they’re testing.

Here in Dublin (right outside of Columbus), there’s been an important update to COVID-related protocols.

Before, masks were mandated for grades K-8 unless the parent requests an exemption. Masks were “welcome” in high school.

Yesterday, the district sent out an email with the following escalation (bold and underline in the original email):

Due to the current surge of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, Dublin City Schools is requesting that all staff, students, and visitors wear a mask during school hours and at school events from Jan. 3, 2022 through Jan. 15, 2022, regardless of vaccination status.

Also, important to add the anti-bullying point:

No student, staff member or visitor shall be ridiculed, bullied or harassed for exercising their choice to wear or not wear a mask in our schools.

Despite this totally meaningless and toothless change, I’m confident that half of Dublin is in an absolute uproar for this request.