COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I think Rugby said he’s pozzed.

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Little of column A, little of column.

Also note like New Jersey has an 87 percent positivity rate or something idiotic and positive rates are high everywhere. We are probably already over a million cases a day pretty comfortably.

IME thinks 140 million Americans poz by I think end Jan, so.



Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
  6. boredsocial
  7. Rugby

Unstuck Pozzed List 12/1 to 12/21

  1. Watevs

No only wife did. I had hypochondria.


Brutal… One of my best friends I met here mom has been in the hospital for the last 25 days with COVID (unvaccinated) and they are basically moving her to hospice care tonight. Seemed like a good time to refresh my parents on why they should get vaccinated (they won’t)


(If you know you know)


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Missing Jake7777.

Roman health covid test delivery update.

Was originally supposed to deliver on Tuesday, then got updated to Thursday, then to Friday, and now to Tuesday.

The Pacific Northwest is engulfed in snow and and ice so I imagine the mountain passes are a bitch in addition to staffing issues due to covid.

Thanks again

Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
  6. boredsocial
  7. Rugby
  8. Jake7777

Unstuck Pozzed List 12/1 to 12/21

  1. Watevs

Did any of you have allergy like symptoms with COVID (runny and stuffy nose, watery eyes, occasional mild cough). Have had these for the last couple of days now.


I get all of those things with standard colds. Watery eyes not that often but it happens.

I got my on time yesterday

Guessing it’s the snow/ice. Went to the grocery store yesterday and the shelves were getting pretty bare. 0 bananas, little bacon, etc.

I’m watching Avril Lavigne on TV and I think I caught it :pensive:

Don’t make things so complicated.


Worst gender reveal party ever.


Doesn’t that depend on what’s in the syringes?

I mean, at least one gender reveal party has killed a person and at least one other caused like 30 billion dollars in damages so, not really


Not a gender reveal party. It’s an awful joke that requires knowing the size of iv lines by color. That’s a 20 and 22, I’ll see myself out