COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Go to as many fundamentalist churches and Republican Party meetings as you can.


LOL Listaments. I thought you were trying to keep count of how many UPers were pozzed in this recent wave.

Iā€™m positive on a rapid antigen test. No pcr. One more for the list.


At this point it might be easier to track which UPers have not tested positive :(

Canā€™t test positive if youā€™ve never been tested.

(points to brain)


seriously though, I got plans for my medical leave

Yeah, it depends on how you define ā€œrecent waveā€. I informally defined it starting on 12/21, because on that day zikzak set an o/u of 15 unstuckers pozzed in the ā€œnext two weeksā€.

Iā€™ll add a second category so we can track that too.

Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf

Unstuck Pozzed List 12/1 to 12/21

  1. Watevs

I just read the preprint linked in the Deepti tweet upthread.

So here on the left the researchers are inhibiting the TMPRSS2 pathway available for entry to lung cells and on the right they are inhibiting the alternative pathway usable in a wider range of cells. The black line is a pangolin coronavirus which is completely unable to use the TMPRSS2 path. What is shocking to me is how poor Delta (green line) is at using the alternative pathway, even though it is capable of doing so - the reduction of infectivity at high doses of the inhibitor is near-total and Delta does not give a shit at all about inhibition of the alternative pathway on the right. Then Omicron (purple) is the mirror-image, itā€™s almost a complete switch of preference. This is a whole new virus in terms of how it gains entry to cells. Really stunned at the magnitude of the preference change.


In my post before that one Iā€™m speculating that:

  • thereā€™s a tradeoff between the two paths such that to some extent you have to choose. If you have two different shaped locks, thereā€™s a limit to the extent to which one key can fit both. You can have an OK fit in both, or you can have a good fit in one or the other. In this instance the same subunit of the spike protein is facilitating both entry pathways.

  • being better at non-lung cell entry allows Omicron to live in the upper respiratory tract and therefore facilitates transmission, so a version of Omicron which goes back to chewing up lung cells ought to be selected against.

Those are both just conjectures, but I think theyā€™re logical and fit the facts well.

One thing I would be really curious to know is if this change in preference in Omicron is totally distinct from its immune-evasion properties, or whether the two are one and the same. Letā€™s assume an immune-evasion variant of some kind was inevitable. If the former, that is really incredible rungood from the human race to have both emerge in the same variant. If the latter, it might still be pretty solid rungood because there were probably other versions of immune-evasion which could have evolved. Hopefully that made sense.


Yeah but I think itā€™s pretty well established from antibody studies that Omicron has legit strong immune evasion and the dichotomy between fading effectiveness vs infection and lasing effectiveness vs bad outcomes is something we were seeing anyway pre-Omicron. So yeah itā€™s probably some kind of factor but also seems like it might be superfluous as an explanation.

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AOC in Florida maskless == Covid officially over

Whatā€™s the false positive rate for antigen? I canā€™t find anything on google. How would that even happen?

Iā€™m not entirely sure but it seems like contamination can cause false positives.

also user error

Whatā€™s really crazy is all of the people like me who just took at home tests and never reported it. I canā€™t imagine the real number.


And people who couldnā€™t find tests and are just winging it.


I forgot to tell everyone but my wife and I have Covid like everyone else. Mild cases both although my wifeā€™s symptoms suck more than mine.


Welcome to the isolation club. Weā€™re friendly here. Glad you guys are doing okay.


Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
  6. boredsocial

Unstuck Pozzed List 12/1 to 12/21

  1. Watevs

You had it before, right? Also vaxxed, I assume.