COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Pertussis is up there with measles, too.

Itā€™s already waaaaay more contagious than smallpox.

What is the timeline from being exposed to being able to expose? Friends dad got exposed on the 24th and friend visited 25th.

Normally 2 days but thatā€™s pre-Omicron data.

Do you have symptoms?

How does that work, exactly? Whatā€™s the penalty for not getting the test?

Death by Rooā€™s


Everyone now virtually symptom free after over a week since the first positive tests. Overall 8/10 people tested positive except my wife and her Mom who just seem to have somehow evaded it altogether.

I am now 4 days past the only day I didnā€™t feel 100% and still feel totally fine. Very bizarre the way all symptoms just completely vanished after ~24hrs, if this remains as is it might be the mildest sickness Iā€™ve ever had. After being fanatically cautious for almost two years I was super depressed to be in this situation so definitely feel very lucky.


I still have no symptoms. Not wasting a home test at this point to see if I still test negative because as a close contact I need to get a PCR test anyway. No idea how they think they can enforce getting PCR tests after a positive home test but it keeps getting mentioned on the official sites like this

Not sure we can put you on the pozzed list yet.

List remains unchanged:

Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf

List missing at least 1:

I missed that, thanks. Anyone have any others?

Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
  6. Jake7777

SARS-CoV-2 has always had two entry pathways to cells, sometimes called the ā€œearlyā€ and ā€œlateā€ pathways. The early pathway is only available in cells expressing a specific protease (TMPRSS2) and fusion occurs with the cell membrane directly from extracellular space. The late pathway, so called because it is much slower than the early pathway, doesnā€™t require that protease and is accomplished via endocytosis. I havenā€™t read her link yet but TMPRSS2 is expressed in lung and intestinal cells and is the reason for high viral concentrations therein, so I would assume that Omicron having more of a preference for the late pathway is significant in explaining the observed decrease in lung pathology.


Yeah we dont really know, but looking at the raw numbers it seems like its likely that communication time has decreased cpnsiderably.

Kangaroo boxing gauntlet?

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I tested positive last Tuesday and have been quarantined since except for the test I took two days agoā€¦which was still positive. I hear these PCR tests can go positive well after yhe active virus has gone so maybe Iā€™m looking for an antigen test to make sure? Or just wait another week and PCR again? Whatā€™s the protocol supposed to be? Havenā€™t been symptomatic for a week or so

Ok looks like Iā€™m in the exact same spot as @tilted


Iā€™m speculating a bit here, but this Omicron preferred entry pathway change seems like exactly what Iā€™m talking about above.

Receptor engagement by viral entry glycoproteins, typically with other triggers, induces dramatic conformational changes in both subunits that bring the viral and cellular membranes together, ultimately creating a fusion pore that allows the viral genome to reach the cell cytoplasm. For SARS-CoV-2, one such trigger is the cleavage of an additional site internal to the S2 subunit, termed the ā€˜S2ā€² siteā€™. ACE2 engagement by the virus exposes the S2ā€² site. S2ā€² site cleavage ā€” by transmembrane protease, serine 2 (TMPRSS2) at the cell surface or by cathepsin L in the endosomal compartment following ACE2-mediated endocytosis ā€” releases the fusion peptide, initiating fusion pore formation

It makes sense that thereā€™s a tradeoff here - if you want the S2 subunit to have higher affinity for cathepsin L, enhancing the late pathway, it is probably going to come at the cost of affinity for TMPRSS2. You canā€™t have a key get better at two different locks at once. To attain the selective advantage of living in the upper respiratory tract, enhancing transmissibility, the virus needs to sacrifice some of its ability to infect lung cells.


This is how mine went too, one day of scratchy throat that prompted the test then one full day of symptoms and Iā€™ve been fine for the last week


add wateves

havenā€™t tested positive yet (waiting on results from a test i took yesterday) but iā€™m definitely sick with something and since my wife has/had it and a bunch of people at the christmas gathering we did on her side of the family have it i must be positive. nose has been running like crazy yesterday and today along with sneezing, feels like the terrible summer allergies i used to get.

Watevs missed the cutoff. List is post-12/21. He tested positive on 12/21.