COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

So what’s the play here then? I’m on day 7 since symptoms. 6 in isolation 2/3 with no symptoms. I guess hold out for 3 more days to reach the 10 of the original CDC?


This is true but presumably he’s hoping for a negative result so he can stop self-isolating. I’d consider isolating for the full 10-14 days regardless of what the test says, but ymmv.

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seems reasonable to me

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Yeah, I see little point in testing here unless you really really need to get out for work reasons or something.

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Yeah I don’t necessarily even care about leaving the house just the room to spend time with my wife and dog.


The new data confirms that two doses of the AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna vaccines offers little protection against being infected with Omicron.

But protection against severe disease appears to be holding up much better against the new variant.


I’d personally just end it now depending on how your wife feels about it. If she’s vaxxed and otherwise healthy and you have been asymptomatic for 3 days, the chances of bad outcome are extremely low imo.


My wife and I started spending a little time together around day 5-6, and she still had some symptoms at that time. We kept the masks on until day 8 or so, and last night, which was day 10, I moved back into our bedroom.

That’s as far as we could go without her going nuts staying in our bedroom alone.

ETA: agree with Melk’s post above.

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I’m down in Mexico now, 5 days from my last known exposure. So far so good.

I told my friends down here about my exposure and that we might want to be careful around me for a few days. They all said they wouldn’t mind getting stranded in Mexico for an extra week. Not sure they’d feel the same if they actually got sick.

Waiting my 15 mins after booster. Added bonus for my appointment being near Levain Bakery so got two chocolate chip walnuts along with my jab.

Hopefully this significantly reduces chance of pozz when testing to return to USA#1 in a couple of weeks.


Threw on an N95 and we went on a secluded mile walk which was nice. I didn’t want to take the elevator in my building so I walked up 6 flights of stairs and didn’t die so that’s good news!


Haven’t reviewed the work in detail yet, but this may back up the tissue studies earlier that suggested that the CRON didn’t infect lung tissue as well as earlier variants. Animal models obviously aren’t humans, but at least they do have immune responses, unlike tissue cultures.


The science starts to get over my head, but she tries to explain what is in that pre print.

Good news seemed to be a plausible mechanism for Omicron being less severe and didn’t seem like it would disrupt plaxvoid.

Bad news seemed to be that this virus is very flexible with the possibility of other problematic mutations.

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It’s really hard to know how soon a new variant could emerge. It could always be just a single mutation that confers such an advantage to Pi that it leaves omicron in the dust. Given the degree of immune escape seen in omicron such that unvaccinated people who have had a past case have little to no protection, it seems basically certain that we will get a new variant sometime. Hopefully we start seeing updated vaccines and widespread availability of the Pfizer pill

I’m confused, because fusion and endosomal entry are kind of the same thing IIRC, outside of what I’ve done since like 2007 though.

Yeah, I am not clear on why that distinction is all that important.

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ok I’m glad you think the same, I thought I was taking crazy pills. person isn’t molecular bio so there might just be a misunderstanding by them. Would be super weird for a virus to sudden change their mechanism significantly.

it’s exponential modeling so 5-95% isn’t right but I get what you mean. It’s more like .01% to nearly 100%.

Measles (12-18 r0), chickenpox (10-12) and mumps (10-12) are the highest I’m aware of. R0 values are from wiki.

Would seem logical that sustainable advantages, if any, would start to move further towards immune evasion or some sort of longer infectious period.