COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

@anon10396289 ban this man


Iā€™m positively an artist with a 20 and some tegaderm

At our facility, if they need a CT chest, it has to be at least a 20, and at least in the elbow or higher, so thatā€™s always my first poke.

It feels like a concession when I have to get a 22 in the hand.

Our 18ā€™s are weird and itā€™s easy to make a mess with them, I donā€™t like them. I wonā€™t even try an 18 unless someone comes in half-dead, unresponsive, or actively having a heart attack.


raises hand

I had a terrible runny nose, watery eyes and was sneezing a lot, and this started a couple of days before Christmas. I also had a mildly sore throat but no cough. Weird thing is it all cleared up in the space of 3 or 4 days, which is unheard of for me when I come down with something.


This is >5% of the entire forum catching COVID in a week, despite being all vaccinated and likely more cautious than the average person. Everyone is getting this in the next month.

I had a bad cold last week. I took 4 rapid tests, all negative, so Iā€™m reasonably positive it wasnā€™t COVID, but if I can catch a regular cold, how the hell am I supposed to avoid COVID, which is both more widespread and much more contagious? Seems hopeless.


Let me preface this by saying I have no intention in getting in a fight over this post, nor am I interested in debating my ethics. If you think Iā€™m awful. Great. I am fine with that.

That said, I am really struggling with what to do. I am finding it very difficult to justify going into full lockdown again for us. We are triple vaxxed and low risk. The data I have seem seems to suggest we are all getting omnicron so why should I go back into full lockdown? Being very strong extroverts it has a real effect on our mental health. The 18 month lockdown was the worst period of my life. I am not exaggerating.

However, I am genuinely having a hard time telling if my reluctance is actually justified by data or is just pure Covid fatigue.

Not even really sure what I am asking. Maybe this is just a rant.


If you arenā€™t a total shut in you should at least be mentally prepared for an Omicron cold and be willing to quarantine for a few days.

Nah. I agree with you Clovis.

I think your position is totally understandable. The main arguments for continuing to curtail activities that can still spread Covid are:

Unvaccinated people are still at risk and there still people that are unable to get vaxxed. Its not all deplorables.

The health care system is still suffering big time and continuing ā€œlow risk spreadā€ is still a drag on the system that has no slack.

It is still relatively early days in the Omicron world and its still a bit of a gamble to know what the real short term and long term health risk are of getting ā€œlow riskā€ Omicron.

The problem is really a game theory problem. Your personal individual choice to continue to ā€œlock downā€ or whatever you want to call it wonā€™t solve these problems. Collective action is needed and collective action is not coming because our political leaders are ineffectual cowards. So in that context, there is no good choice. Throughout the pandemic our useless ā€œleadersā€ have foisted decision making on individuals that clearly is their responsibility. So fuck 'em.


I went to a huge wedding last night. 200ish people, 100% vaxxed/very left-leaning crowd but still low mask rate during the (mostly indoor) reception. I masked myself up when I was walking around but was generally unmasked when talking to people.

The wedding was absurdly nice. It was my pretty close friend who was torn up about going forward with it during this outbreak, but spent nearly $100k on it so there wasnā€™t really an option to cancel without changing the coupleā€™s financial trajectory.

Iā€™m basically assuming I have the cron now. This wedding forced a pretty extreme yes/no decision about whether Iā€™m going to attempt to avoid cron via a new lockdown (which isnā€™t even a real option since I have to work/travel for work all month). It would be ideal to isolate at home for the first week of 2022 and not unexpectedly come down with this thing a week or two from now when I have work trips.


Glad the wedding was fun and Iā€™m all for still going to events - but yikes at a wedding cost that can ā€œchange the financial trajectoryā€ of a couple!


For sure. We intend to curtail activities but I just donā€™t think I can go back to full lockdown.

Day 5 ā€“ no symptoms for two days but still testing positive. Going to help the wife and baby with a mask on because her parents are leaving and she needs my help. Will not take my mask off around them for another five days. I think the hope is that Iā€™m no longer contagious but itā€™s not completely out of my system, hence the positive test.


Anyone know how long after having Covid you can still test positive? A friend is claiming you can test positive for up to 3 months after no longer having symptoms?

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I have nothing useful to say other than to express my admiration at how youā€™re managing to deal with a COVID infection and a new baby at the same time. Itā€™s all gonna be easy street from here on, at least.

Well keep in mind I havenā€™t done shit with the baby for four days. Heh.


Weeks to months is what Iā€™ve seen/heard from multiple sources. I donā€™t think itā€™s super common to go months testing positive, but it can happen.

I donā€™t have a link, but a nurse friend said that you can test positive for up to 3 months. I thought I heard Dr. Fauci say this on TV as well when talking about coming back to work after testing positive, in the context of not needing to have a negative test result to resuming activities.

I think thatā€™s fine if we admit that Omicron isnā€™t necessarily the magic solution out of all this, a new variant that is transmissible and deadly is possible in theory. In a couple of months we will be entering year 3 of Covid, we really should have a playbook soon about how to deal with this. I am not optimistic, but Iā€™d like to see someone in upcoming elections run on the idea of mandatory vaccinations, but my guess is everyone will run on ā€œthank god that mess is over never to return, hereā€™s my plan to lower taxes and increase spendingā€.

I have a vax appointment for my 3.5yo scheduled Monday. Not sure if Iā€™m going to go through with it, but I think the plan is to get him vaxxed if we can, then hold him out of preschool for a week to give his immune system a head start, then to let ā€˜et rip. Big sister is in kindergartenā€¦ not sure if weā€™re going to keep her out for a couple days and/or keep them separated at home for that week.

Full lockdown when society isnā€™t locking down is a tough ask and very well might be counterproductive. That said, there are a lot of ways to take precaution and lower risk without going into lockdown.

Some things are impossible to do safely right now (indoor dining) but still possible to do some activities, etc with precautions (good masks, tests, distance, ventilation/outdoor activities, smaller groups, keep to yourself for a bit after mixing).

All that said, society and healthcare is heading to a bad place in a couple of weeks as this wave crests. Thereā€™s no real way for any of us to opt out of responsibility if we do things that contribute to spread, so we should choose what we do accordingly.