COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Really a mystery why people don’t trust the government and CDC when they change the rules all the time

In an uncertain world with changing information, the rules should change all the time. When they don’t change their advice we criticize institutions for being behind the times! The problem with institutions these days isn’t that they change the rules, its that they do so with poor management of the public communications and a heavy dose of hubris.


True, but Mexico’s red light yellow light green light system makes a hell of a lot more sense than the USA’s spider web of nonsense, and adapts to changing situations much better.

Anxious to hear updates from pozzed people moving forward. I have not been able to secure a test, but came down with cold last Wednesday. Its been milder than normal and this morning it feels like its almost over, and its only been six days. That’s like half as long as normal for me.

America’s new attitude towards COVID: meh everyone will get it eventually and only sick/fat old people are dying, fuck it, I’m out of patience let’s go.


Doctor told me to quarantine in a separate room for five days.

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Correct. As always we are a nation of assholes.

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This isn’t a new attitude at all. Unless by new you mean since vaccines became mostly available to white middle/upper class America. And you forgot to add “unvaccinated” to the list of people dying that we don’t care about.

Morning update: I just woke up so plenty of time to feel bad but I basically feel back to normal? Going to take a test after a shower and a coffee.

Assuming I return 2 negative tests am I good to rejoin my wife?


Seems like your vax supercharged immune system is doing its job.


Thanks science!


CDC says you can leave isolation after 5 days of asymptomatic or symptoms resolve, but you’re supposed to wear a mask around others.

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Still positive. Womp womp womp.


Wife still asymptomatic?

I avoided my family gathering last time, which would have been infinitely more dangerous than two non-stop flights (in seat 1A) and me and one other person doing outside stuff in Costa Rica the whole time.

Yes sir. Not a single sniffle.

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I’m still testing negative and feeling normal despite family members dropping all around me.


This may also be worth a read:

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My last day in KC and my mom just wants to do one family thing after another. Not with any of the positives on my stepbrother’s side thankfully. And supposedly my aunts have both tested negative. But still, we couldn’t be stirring the covid pot harder and tempting fate more if we tried. I don’t trust my aunts to really jab that thing in their noses, and antigen tests are flaky anyway.

Any little precaution I want to take, or thing I want to bow out of, is met with massive massive resistance. I am a bad son who does not love his mother who just wants to spend time with her son (and everyone else in our damn family) on his last day in town.

Boomers man.

What’s my COVID chances?

Went to a crowded bar. In Florida. But it was open air. Sang one song at karaoke. Crushed it so hard that a random drunk dude gave me a hug. Saw this in the bar:

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