COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Not sure if already posted, but certain zip codes can have 4 at home tests delivered free of charge here:


No, it didn’t. The basic assumption of your post (when are we going to talk about decreased vaccine effectiveness) is false. We’ve been talking about that a lot.

The vaccine still works pretty damn well even against omicron when judged by severity of clinical outcomes. Obviously we all wish it’d do better in preventing any infection

Define effective and protecting others please.

ok so your definition of effective is the near miraculous effectiveness early on.

ok jt, no it doesn’t meet that standard. We’ve also been saying that for weeks now, which is confusing why you’re acting like your the first one to bring it up. Things have changed.

I think we all agree that vaccines and social distancing are critical, NFI where the disagreement is even coming from.

I’m not sure “we all agree” applies to bolded.

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  • New Covid measures in England could be in place until late March under measures examined by the UK government’s scientific advisers, including a ban on socialising with another household indoors and a return to the rule of six outdoors, in line with the Step 2 restrictions in place in England earlier this year

In a sign of where hospitals are capacity wise. My dad had knee surgery on 12/23. He had some complications with low and erratic oxygen and heart rates so he ended up not getting home until the afternoon of 12/24. Today he said he was light headed and feeling like he was going to pass out. His oxygen on an at home pulse ox was usually in the 80s, occasionally dropping into the 70s. We took him to the ER. He is currently sitting in the waiting room on oxygen because there are no rooms ER or otherwise.


What is this based on?

Was going to ask the same question, the early information suggested that bad outcomes (hospitalizations and deaths) were more likely for unvaxxed people.

Nor is there, as far as I’m aware, data about the vaccine effectiveness on people with two new shots separated out from people who got 2 shots 6+ months ago. It’s pretty likely that people with two new shots have measurably better protection than people with 2 shots from months ago. And, even if 2 shots now aren’t all that effective compared with nothing, that’s a poor argument to ignore vaccination rather than getting to 3 shots ASAP, which we know is substantially effective.

Getting a booster (or getting vaxxed if unvaxxed) is still the single most important thing people can do to combat omicron.


while the majority have been vaccinated, there’s still a ton who aren’t and they’re largely the people dying. Reaching out for those people is still important.

This is more of preponderance of evidence list

Boosters help. Both with illness and spread (though maybe less with spread than was true for Delta).

Unboosted helps more with illness than spread. You have to consider yourself contagious with a known contact or you’ve been unprotected around people.

NPIs help. Mask back up if you’ve stopped.

If all are boosted, you have some choices to make depending on your risk tolerance. You should also look at the risk of you spreading to someone vulnerable.

(As an individual it doesn’t seem very risky to do the booster+Omicron thing, but you can cause community spread, for goodness sake if you have symptoms or even known contacts stay the fuck home for a few days).

Info is still incomplete. Stay tuned.


I’m not quite sure what your post has to do with my post that you were responding to.

Is there a tangible benefit to my wife moving into the spare bedroom even though we spent the last 3 days and nights together? Like if she doesn’t already have it now will she actually get it from me?

Definitely can’t answer it, but I doubt it would hurt. No clue what your situation is whether that is reasonable or not, but I’ll say if I pozzed I’d make my wife move out at least until I wasn’t feeling shitty anymore.

But if she does poz it’s quarantine time :wink:

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Yes, of course there is benefit. There isn’t a great reason for one of you not to do it. I would put you in there and have you not leave except for the restroom and have her leave whatever you need outside the door.

But, it’s really up to you guys.