COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’ve moved myself to bedroom 1. Probably should have did this earlier, but I’ll chalk it up to ignorance.

There’s not a lot of data on the subject afaik, but basic germ theory would have it that your wife is better off the less exposure she has from you, even if she ends up getting it.


I don’t think distancing thee or six feet matters that much at this point. It’s airborne and mega contagious. Wear an N95 or better or don’t go inside regardless of vax status if you don’t want the rona

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Visiting Sedona, AZ with my wife and kids. Staying in a remote Airbnb but ventured into town and I’d say general mask wearing is at around 10% or so.

New York didn’t post any new stats yesterday, so we get two days worth of info today:
Dec 24: 49,708 new positives, 12.4% positivity
Dec 24: 36,454 new positives, 14.2% positivity

I’m in the Greensboro, NC area right now and mask compliance is shockingly good. Only saw 3 people unmasked at the grocery store the other day.

whoo boy everyone has covid in norcal all of a sudden

I was in NC for Thanksgiving (Durham) and was also shocked at mask observance, it was better there than in Los Angeles.

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My friend and his whole group of friends in Tahoe have been partying like it’s '99 during all of this. Not even sure if he got vaxxed yet. He’s had 'rona at least once already. He’s bordering on wook territory tbh.

Lol IME and everything, but their estimate is 3
billion infections worldwide in this wave. Not sure they are wrong.

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we just canceled our nye trip to sedona on account of everyone didn’t want to fly at this moment. :frowning: post some pictures for the vicarious.

like holy shit 3/4 of my board is covid or likely covid right now fuckin a. not too busy… yet.


Straya has its first Omicron death. Man in his 80s in Sydney.

I also just took my first ever COVID test (rapid). I have a dried out nose and throat, thought probably Xmas drinking/allergies/weather (it’s summer so hot and dry) but since I’m going to regional SA for a few days tomorrow thought I’d do due diligence. Negative.


if you are vax/boosted and had severe cold symptoms but none that are specifically covid, would you basically bet that it’s just some other seasonal thing? since omicron is expected to be mild under these circumstances? asking for a friend

Weather hasn’t been great but was able to get out there for a bit today.


I think the fact that it’s the holiday season is really escalating this phenomenon, there are just so many people who will not let go of holiday celebrations this year come hell or high water. I think that’s driving some (but not all of course) of the wishful thinking behavioral stuff. If Omicron had arrived in a random third week of February or whatever it would have been easier for a lot of people to accept that they really need to curtail their interactions, even “lower risk” interactions.


No, still solid chance it’s covid. You can still get severe breakthrough cases and “severe cold symptoms” is not even a severe case.

I mean, I hear you, but it is already too late. To avoid a complete burn through in the US at this point would take an immediate full stop lockdown and that’s not happening. I hope it is better where you are, but here it is just gonna burn through. That 15 O/U is likely going to be laughable in a month, it is more like whether half the forum gets it or not.

When is the cutoff date for the o/u 15?