COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Will be interested to know how this develops over the coming days if you don’t mind updating. I started to get a funny feeling in my throat on Wednesday which morphed into slight sore throat Thursday and Friday before the runny nose came on. And its running like a faucet now. What I have has all the earmarks of a routine rhinovirus, but maybe not? The clinic near my house isn’t answering their phone, so maybe I’ll run by later and see if I can get an instant test.

Sure thing. I’ll let you know of any changes.

Gl with mild symptoms.

We ate indoors twice with visiting son and his gf. One place was pretty airy and not many near us. The other was more crowded but with a ton of in/out traffic. Not as much exposure, but not 0 either…

The early headlines do seem to make a big difference, great observation.

Anxiously awaiting to get better clarification on kids in hospitals. Have 3 year and 8 month old grandkids. (6 year old is vaxxed).

My 3 person household is going through a home test a week. Think there’s a normal cold circulating around. Nobody pozzed yet.

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GL Tilted. My wife started feeling bad last night, sore throat, mild cough, body aches. Took a home rapid test and it was negative but she has had plenty of exposure over the past week so who knows.

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It’s been a whole week since my wife tested positive. Luckily symptoms were mild all along: congestion, light cough, some headaches. My wife said she just felt crummy. She’s felt much better since yesterday, and only some cough remains.

I did not get tested (couldn’t find rapid tests anywhere) but I’ve felt fine all along. I had a bit of a scare yesterday when I felt crappy, but it was probably the hangover from having too many xmas eve drinks while video chatting with our parents.

Hopefully all of you guys who tested positive recently get a mild course just like my wife.


Did you guys quarantine from each other?

Home tests all out near me, but you can order this one for 3-5 day shipping on Roman:

As much as possible, yes. I moved to the guest room and spent most of my time downstairs (the bedrooms are upstairs). When I would go into our room to bring her things we both wore masks. We have not had any meals together, and when we talk we try to stay about 10ft from each other.

However, there is a lot of other exposure from just being around the house, sharing the bathroom, etc.

My wife and I are talking about it right now. We live in an apartment with limited space so it almost seems futile. I think we are going with the one for all and all for one approach.

Do you have a spare bedroom? If you can confine yourself to one room for most of the day, it seems like that would minimize the exposure.

Did you attend family gatherings for the holidays?

  • No last year, no this year
  • No last year, yes this year
  • Yes last year, no this year
  • Yes last year, yes this year

0 voters

I’d go with no since it wasn’t omicron-era.

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Tested negative this morning on a hone test. No symptoms but some of my buddies that I’m watching the chiefs game with have little kids. They were paranoid after hearing the family gathering shitshow that was my 24th-25th.

So far none of the sniffle people have tested positive either.

New York’s acting state health commissioner, Dr Mary Bassett, said the “striking increase” in hospitalisations of children with Covid-19 that the state has recorded in the last three weeks showed urgent action was needed.

All children older than five should be fully vaccinated, she said, while those under five should be shielded by ensuring those around them have protection through vaccination, boosters, mask-wearing, avoiding crowds and testing, Reuters reports.

“The risks of Covid-19 for children are real,” Bassett said in a statement.

The state’s health department said the increases were concentrated in New York City and surrounding areas where Omicron is spreading rapidly.

My sister and her boyfriend who were close contacts of somebody who tested positive on the 24th will be tested tomorrow. According to them, two people who were at the same table as them and the COVID poz already tested negative. Sis and her bf are both vaxxed and are asymptomatic as of now.

Their test results/symptoms will determine if I get tested and go to Philly to spend some time there. Gonna suck if I test positive but not out of the question. I’d have to reschedule my flight home and will actually be grateful for once to have purchased flight insurance. So far, I’m symptom-free.

Did someone here set a O/U at 15 for COVID positive UP members during the holidays earlier?

Anyone else?

We saw our immediate families, but had been doing so. Didn’t see the extended family.

Well, ‘as much as we wish it would’ is a pretty vague standard. The vaccine obviously protects people an ‘appreciable extent’. We’ve also been talking about how vaccines have provided less protection or may provide less protection since day 1 of omicron being named so I’m confused as to what you mean.