COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Seasonal stupidity!

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Awesome! We’re in south Dakota now. Thankfully we’re self contained in our camper.

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Dying for Freedom.

The NYT video is sad. Especially the kicker.

Looks like a crisis actor to me. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

What type of pharmacy test are you referencing? A PCR test? Or are we talking an over the counter self administered one?

Well, the mRNA vaccines are officially approved.


Gonna drive over to the local pharmacy to take pictures of the long lines….

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It was a human-administered brain-tickler antigen test.

2021 SAT question.

Less vents is to less deaths as
Less tests is to less ______



A responsible Texan from the other side of the aisle. Thankfully the adults were already vaxxed. Any updates on how the Latin population is with vaccine adoption?

Looks like baby was the vector. Yikes at his breakthrough symptoms.

That is very weird. Did they say why it didn’t work?

And it ain’t just America either. Vaccination is basically a trickle right now in the Czech Republic

The vaccination rate in each of the Czech regions ranges from 41 to 52%. Guess what Prague is?


If that doesn’t symbolize the difference between rural and urban, then what does?

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I don’t know if this article was posted earlier. It was new to me:

One disappointing piece (for someone with a kid <12, like me):

As we get closer to that amorphous deadline, you can keep an eye out for signs of progress. The first milestone will come when the clinical trials in vaccines for kids stop accepting new participants. Once that happens, the company’s researchers can put all their effort into evaluating the trial itself. (For context, Pfizer finished enrolling 12-to-15-year-olds on January 22 and submitted its application to the FDA on April 9.) As of today, both the Pfizer and Moderna trials are still listed as “recruiting” in the National Library of Medicine’s clinical-trial database; you can check their status here and here, respectively.

The disappointing piece is that both the Pfizer and Moderna trials are still listed as “recruiting” as of right now.

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South Dakota is a footnote right now; it’s still like 20% of its previous peak. The south is where everything is spiraling right now, with most southern states vastly above SD in cases per capita.

Louisiana is probably something of a bellweather here, for a balls hot/unvaxxed/unhealthy state that gets hit early every time. It appears to be peaking right now, in both hospitalizations and new cases. Hopefully the rest of the south follows soon.

Unfortunately, I think most or the Southeast will have at or near their worst waves yet re: deaths. Florida and Louisiana are leading the way, and everything in SEC territory seems destined to follow. Almost entirely preventable. Truly idiotic.

The big outstanding questions in my mind right now:

  1. Whether or not we see the small spikes in the Midwest and Northeast fade away in late summer (last summer no such spikes existed in these states)–my guess is “sorta”
  2. Whether or not we see a big fall seasonal surge in the Midwest and Northeast–my guess is, sadly, “yes,” but much less lethal than the southern surge right now due to way higher vax rates.
  3. The big, big one: whether the Southeast will gain enough immunity (whether through unvaxxed infections, vaccinations, and breakthrough infections) to avoid a fall spike entirely. We need to watch the southern caseload closely in November and December. The lack of a big surge could be an early sign that we may be truly coming out of this thing.

Curious what the penalty will be for forged test results.

Massive outbreaks? If it’s one thing that big time college athletics know how to do, it is cheating.

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FL looks like it’s topping off?

Maybe? Hopefully? I looked at their positivity rate, though, and it’s nearly 20%. Seems like a good chance that there’s a lot of undercounting due to an overwhelming case volume.

getting tested down here right now is kind of a nightmare. 3-4 hour waits again, I’m certain there are heaps of people not getting tested just for that reason.