COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’m pretty sure I eat way too much salt. For example, I think delivery pizza could use a bit of salt sometimes (but I resist the urge to add it). This might improve my overall health, if anything.

While it seems intuitive that side effects are a good guide to how well immune stimulation is working, I read somewhere once that this is not true.

Did you ever smoke? I have a buddy who would salt the shit out of delivery pizza and I’m pretty sure it was because smoking killed his tasters.

Here’s my overly simplified way of thinking about it since I don’t want to type out a huge text wall.

Significant Reaction = Probably working

No Significant Reaction = still probably working, but chance of it not working is a tiny bit higher than alternative scenario

Nope. Not even once.

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You should probably just add the salt and be happy unless you have some clear indication not to (e.g., hypertensive and you’re pretty sure that salt is causing it).

Okay, my gut was based on a lot of reading of these covid forums and some brain influence and other reading. Since case counts by vaccination status are pretty much equal now between unvaxxed and vaxxed in Ontario I assume that Omicron is a completely separate disease and will not replace Delta.

I’m sure delivery pizza is way saltier that most of the meals I cook for myself, since I’m always aware of how thirsty I feel after eating pizza.

Do you get the Hetch Hetchy water? Municipal water sources do switch around and could easily have more sodium content. So, like, if someone thinks their tap water is different, it very possibly could be without them imagining things or having covid.

Can’t remember which podcast but heard recently this is the first vaccine where people think that a reaction means it is working and worry about its effectiveness if they don’t get a reaction. Not sure if true. I remember my arm hurting like a mofo for a shot I got around kindergarten. Made me hate needles to this day.

Florida and New York both posting record case counts today

Florida saw 31,758 COVID-19 cases Thursday, according to Miami Herald calculations of state data reported Friday to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. This is the largest single-day increase of newly reported cases since the pandemic began. The previous record was during the height of the delta wave in Florida with 27,584 cases reported on Aug. 27, according to Herald calculations.

Read more at:

That’s largely why I put so much salt on everything else. With the pizza it’s a mild difference, and I just want to prep myself for a future where I do become hypertensive and I really have a reason to limit salt intake.

Amazes me how many tests are conducted in NYC per day. Insane number to me.

So many people right now are getting tested before family gatherings. Once those numbers are through the system, I’d look for case counts to plummet but positivity rate to rise.

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I feel like salt is not considered nearly as big a deal for high blood pressure as it once was. My doctors stopped advising I worry about it a long time ago.

But I don’t salt anything. My friend, who is a doctor, eats with a salt shaker in one hand.

Wait a second…

I’m ready to not leave my house for like 2 months, gl the rest of you. Going the full hermit life until this wave blows over.


This is what I think will happen, too. I looked up the covid positive numbers and the highest 7dma for my state are Christmas of last year, then Thanksgiving this year, and now.

Lots more people testing to see if they have it has resulted in a rate of 60 positive per 100k with a 7% positive rate for my county. As people stop testing before their family gatherings only those with symptoms will be reported.


Range of acceptable salt intake is an interesting topic. I haven’t done a deep dive in a while. My sense is that it can make some problems worse, but it is not clear that it actually causes those problems.

I’m not that worried about it at present. The biggest worry I have is that if for some reason I need to cut back in the future, then it will be hard. Not salting my pizza is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. I had a fuckton of soy sauce at lunch.

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