COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

We had a 13% positivity rate in Ontario today almost doubling the previous record. 90.6% were Omicron. I just did a rapid test and it was negative despite flying to Banff for a wedding, flying out Thursday night, flying back Monday and the wedding being Saturday

Basically every Christmas outside big coastal cities is going to be a pozzfest.


Yeah I expect a strong minority of those of us that didn’t cancel holidays entirely to be pozzed next week. Outcome just gonna be much better among the vaxxed and boosted. Lol Florida time is over.

My vaxxed but not boosted cousin showed up tonight in a mask because he has “a cold”. He kept the mask on about half the night. His kid clearly had the same “cold”. Full day of multi-family activities ahead tomorrow in multiple locations. We’re fucked.


I’m befuddled by people whose first reaction after getting cold symptoms is not to get tested. I mean, at least for your peace of mind if not for the safety of others.

Everyone knows you can’t catch covid from loved ones. Not during Christmas. Christmas is a time of joy and family togetherness, looked forward to the entire year more than anything else in the entire world (by my mom anyway).

Meanwhile I’m just counting the minutes until I can get out of the covid hotbox. But I’m fairly recently boosted. So whatever, I’m just a damn bystander in all this hoping the train stays on the tracks.

Everyone at the party was vaxxed fwiw. My mom and stepdad are boosted, but apparently not everyone.


many people don’t think like anything you said in your 2nd sentence. (I’d say most in fact)

This is sad, but luckily it has not been the case in my family.

Went to dinner with my wife’s family, and was assured that, if you really follow the science, the data shows that omicron is just a cold. The media is hyping asymptomatic case numbers to scare people, but South Africa and UK data have proven that this thing is over. Testing asymptomatic people is anti-science (they don’t spread it), if you aren’t sick testing is a waste of resources and only serves to fearmonger high case numbers to promote devastating lockdowns.

Asked if they would have cancelled if someone tested positive, even if asymptomatic. Answer was of course yes. I suggested that they reflect on why that is.

Then we spent a lovely evening together. Merry Christmas to all!


At some point the number of dead covidiots has to have a meaningful electoral impact.


I mean they might actually be onto something with omicron, assuming everyone involved is vaccinated. The danger of course is counting our chickens before they’re hatched.

The NFL is saying their data suggests the vaccinated asymptomatic don’t seem to be spreading the virus.

Data collected by the league indicates that COVID-19 is not spreading from asymptomatic players, NFL chief medical officer Allen Sills said in an interview on NFL Network, which is why the new protocols have been put in place. That contradicts what doctors and scientists have been saying since the beginning of the pandemic.

“We’ve really not seen this phenomenon that people have discussed, which is asymptomatic people in the facility spreading the virus to others,” Sills said. “As we’ve gone back and looked throughout the entire season, what we’ve seen consistently is when people have symptoms, that’s when they seem to be contagious to others. And that’s what we’re asking people to come forward and acknowledge those symptoms, because that’s the point at which they’re vulnerable and a point at which they expose themselves to others.”

In response to an explosion of COVID-19 cases last week that forced the NFL to postpone three games, the league and the NFL Players Association agreed to new protocols, which included putting an end to weekly testing of vaccinated players and beginning random testing. Unvaccinated players continue to be tested daily, but vaccinated players, unless they’re chosen randomly, only get tested when reporting symptoms.

Sills defended the idea of testing less and said the idea that asymptomatic people are not shedding the virus is not something new with the Omicron variant, according to league data.

“Our data has been consistent of that throughout the season,” he said. "It’s all about symptom recognition and prompt testing. If you think about it, someone might have gotten tested on Monday, had no symptoms, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday they develop symptoms and they thought ‘Well, I must be OK because I just tested negative one or two days ago’ and they wouldn’t get tested for a number of days. Now, under the new systems, they’re coming forward and getting tested right away and getting tested the first time they have symptoms, which again, makes everyone around them safer.

According to league figures, more than 94 percent of the players are vaccinated and close to 100 percent of the coaches are. Per the NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero, there were 46 players who tested positive on Thursday, bringing the total since the start of last week to 320.

it has to go away first, there are many voters who just want covid to go away and it’s not so that’s democrats fault.

I certainly hope they are right, and I’ll just say this wasn’t the silliest thing I heard tonight. But yeah, people are pretty much done with this outside of our lefty bubbles. We do still have some decent sized bubbles tho.

I’ve spent a (relatively) significant amount of time looking to this.

Cliffs: it’s not and it won’t.

Came here to say the same. I mean the excess deaths number for the past two years in the US is still only something like 1M, right? And early on that was massively tilted toward big blue cities. If there is a measurable electoral impact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s actually in the GOP’s favor overall.


It seems like there almost has to be spread via asymptomatics for this thing to spread so fast, either that or Omicron as a lower fraction of no symptoms (more cold symptoms due to higher upper respiratory load?).

And then there is “pre-symptoms” -folks get symptoms after they are tested and listed as asymptomatic.

NY says healthcare workers back to work five days after a positive test if certain symptoms are gone/improving. Testing not part of the clearance process. A couple hospital doublings away from pure just positives don’t matter for going to work. Dangerous time to be a worker or non-COVID patient IMO.

The Department of Health’s new guidance allows fully vaccinated healthcare workers and other fully vaccinated members of the critical workforce who test positive for COVID-19 to return to work after five days if they meet certain criteria and if there is a critical staffing shortage. They must be asymptomatic or, if they had mild symptoms, they must:

  • Not have a fever for at least 72 hours without fever-reducing medication
  • Have resolution of symptoms or, if still with residual symptoms, then all are improving
  • Not have rhinorrhea (runny nose)
  • Have no more than minimal, non-productive cough (i.e., not disruptive to work and does not stop the person from wearing their mask continuously, not coughing up phlegm)

Testing is not required.

Sister’s boyfriend is lightly coughing after he was told he came into contact with someone who tested positive on the 23rd.

Yeah. I’m probably getting COVID. Question is does the booster stop me from getting symptoms.

Also Merry Christmas.

EDIT: And I hear my sister sneezing too. Definitely gonna fuck up my flight home.


Getting booster, I give the gal my card, she looks at it/sees pfizer and says “just so you know this is moderna right?” and the look she gave me when I said “I did my own research” was… something.

MIL calls yesterday and says “your Dad has a head cold and its worse today, are you still coming down?” and of the course the response to the obvious followup question is “No, he doesn’t like doctors”. :expressionless: cya next year.