COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Apparently you can buy over the counter covid tests down here? Is there a brand I should look for?


I think Binax is most common. Good luck finding some, many folks are reporting their local pharmacies are sold out.

If you look on the Walgreen’s website, you can see if there are any in stock at nearby stores. You can even make a purchase for in-store pickup.

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Walgreens and Target both sell them and you can try to find a place showing them in stock and buy them online for pickup. Beyond that it’s just hit or miss.

Very glad to see fast action here

Science continues to save our asses in record time. Bravo.

Indignant sadness mixed w anger and relief.

lol, and the military vaccine has NANO particles. Let that sink in.

Guessing the COVID truther guys aren’t going to line up to get this vaccine.

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The movie “Behind the Curve” on Netflix is a great documentary on the flat earth movement. It’s not about mocking their beliefs but really showing how these people end up part of a community that’s built around the flat earth movement. Changing their mind isn’t just about flat earth - it’s about losing their whole social group. Their whole identity would be at risk.


This is all true but is an example of what are often the two most important words in the English language.

So what?

What is the implication of your observation? Are we obligated to tolerate their “culture” that imposes intolerable costs on society? Why? What is so special about their belief that deserves such protection? Can we not be both empathetic to their case and also pass a law that says they must get vaccinated? Public health has been an accepted “override” to individual rights for as long as there has been a concept of public health. What makes anti vaxxers so special? The only coherent explanation is: they are bullies and government officials won’t or can’t stand up to them. Is that a good thing? Is that empathy or cowardice? Where’s the empathy for the health care workers they abuse? How can we ever pass any law prohibiting anything if our standard is “forcing someone to do something doesn’t demonstrate enough empathy”.


I know Walmart and CVS also sell them.

Georgia having big problems with covid in their team according to unsourced but almost certainly true rumors.

I never heard the media change the quote. The below is the quote of what Trump said. Anybody that doesn’t have an issue with that unmodified statement is either racist or has comprehension issues imo.

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people

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I think it’s a mindset that can influence public policy and how we think about reaching these people.

How do we grant “cover” to some of these people in a way that they can make the right decisions without endangering their standing with their social group. How do we build connections such that their identity isn’t tied up to this one small issue.

Vaccine mandates are good because it means some people can be “forced” to get. It gives cover to someone when telling their social group why they got the shot.

To be honest though, in the US my big worry is that Trump / political party has become the identity and it’s pretty freaking hard to bridge that gap since it’s not a single issue thing - it’s expanded to almost everything.

But at the very least I’ve tried to keep in mind that I should be more compassionate to people that disagree with me. Even in cases where I can’t/won’t give in to what they want.

Took five pharmacies but was able to find one test. They are limiting to one per person.

It’s almost certainly nothing. Dad just had upset stomach.

Just found out my uncle and aunt (whose parents are both HCA winners) are moving from California to Missouri because of mask and vaccine mandates. lol


so this walter reed vaccine thing, this is closer to a traditional vaccine or a mRNA vaccine? something I read implied it should be effective against coronviruses in general which seems sort of insane? If true this would be things like the common cold could soon be a thing of the past?