COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Kinda more like a traditional vaccine but sticking the antigens to a nanoparticle gives your immune system a better look at them for reasons I don’t entirely understand. Don’t think we’re getting rid of the common cold anytime soon, tho.

What the “media” did was put up headlines saying “Trump calls Mexicans rapists” and then you click on the article and it tells you which Mexicans he called rapists, i.e. huge amounts of Mexican immigrants but not all of them.

Trump supporters didn’t get mad because they felt mislead by a clickbaity headline, they got mad because they think what Trump said, that Mexican immigrants generally are extremely dangerous, is true and they are mad at the media for denying it.


Yeah what trump said is racist full stop. He didn’t need help from the media.

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He is negative. :grinning:


The pharmacy that I got the booster from hasn’t connected it to MyChart so it shows I’m due for booster as of 12/14. What’s my play here? Wait until I need to prove booster for something and then have them link it and possibly get an early 2nd booster? Or just get it taken care of? Or?

That Scottish study is more good news. 56% reduction in hospitalization (95% CI 30-75). There’s an English one out as well that shows only 20% reduction, but they are including emergency room visits where people get monitored for a while and sent home. The Scottish and South African studies are for admissions.


At this rate the next variant is gonna actually make people healthier.


Did you have the booster recorded on your original vax card?

Nope. I have a downloadable pdf one from MyChart I’ve been using for vaxx required concerts. The original is somewhere around my house.

I’m sure you know this, but just for the crowd that’s a big difference. I keep people for an hour or three all the time with covid and it’s nbd.


They also believe it to be true and are mad at him getting in trouble for telling the truth.

This is genius.


There are other virus types that are also considered the common cold. But perhaps this gets rid of some percent of common cold viruses.

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Great post, and this is kind of what I was getting at about the futility and counterproductiveness of judging and being actively hostile to antivaxxers. I’ve been to a funeral of an antivaxxer who died of covid, and the mourners there are just like the mourners at any other funeral. Hatred and judgement and hostility doesn’t help anything, doesn’t get people vaccinated, and in the end only hurts yourself.

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telling people how to feel is dumb

I’m not telling anyone how to feel about anything. I’m saying if someone feels that way about antivaxxers I think that is a useless and counterproductive emotion.

fucking wild shit here. Bunch of morons who think covid is a hoax and yadayada all got sick with cough, fever, etc at an event and think they have:

What do the Q-idiots think they have?

  • Covid
  • Havana Syndrome
  • Anthrax
  • Flu
0 voters
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This is all exactly right. A useful piece of wisdom is “people aren’t just one thing”. But, again:

So what?

Nazis gassed Jews in the afternoon and lovingly tucked their kids in at night. Do we prioritize stopping the Holocaust or empathizing with the loving parent? Do we prioritize stopping the Holocaust or acknowledging that they were just going along with what their culture and relatives were telling them?

Is this a fair comparison? No, not really. But is it really a great defense of an antivaxxer appeasement policy to say hey, they’re only about 1% as bad as the Nazis, give them a break!

Leadership demands prioritization. And there’s nowhere to hide - antivaxxer appeasement is a prioritization choice even if its framed as just Respecting their Personal Choice with Empathy.

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emotions aren’t things you choose, so criticizing them as useless or counterproductive is dumb.

Have you heard of cognitive behavioral therapy?