COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

What a coward.

Seems like we’re going to hit 300k plus on every non holiday reporting day for the rest of the year right?

Of course the day I complained about MD not publishing cases for 2.5 weeks, they published all the data. Yesterday we had 6200 new cases, previous single day high was like 3300.

I think testing capacity is going to be an issue on hitting any astronomical numbers even excluding the holidays. We had 185k cases or something reported yesterday and I’m already seeing stories about how testing is hard to come by.

ETA-That does not appear to actually be the case near me at least though. CVS has tons of testing slots available here.

At-home antigen tests have become nearly impossible to buy in Los Angeles. I was looking for them yesterday and was always one of several people on the same mission, and everybody is now sold out. So that tells me a lot of people will be relying on home tests. I would think a significant percentage won’t follow up with a PCR after a positive test, which will also have an impact on reporting.

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Where is the “angry” option? Every unnecessary death of a voluntarily unvaccinated person comes with an unnecessary burden to our exhausted health care providers. Every unnecessary death of a voluntarily unvaccinated person comes with the tacit approval of social media execs that value website traffic over human lives. Every unnecessary death of a voluntarily unvaccinated person comes with the knowledge that government officials place corporation friendly religious commitment to an ethos of consumerist personal choice ahead of good outcomes for their citizens that they are supposed to serve.

How can we be anything but angry?


D. All of the above.

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I think in the US they’re supposed to serve the will of the people. Of course, they ignore the will of the people when it’s convenient for them. But in this case, it’s hard to argue that at least red state govt is not serving the will of the people by refusing mask and vaccine mandates.

The other thing working in Witchita’s favor is the abundance of at-home testing that doesn’t necessarily get reported to the public health data compilers. I like his side.

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I don’t think that is true for most red states. Maybe for super red places, but in Texas and Florida for instance, mask and vaccine mandates are supported by the majority of the people.

The only way they are serving the will of the people is if you limit the relevant people to Republicans (who to be fair are the ones that get them elected).

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Latest SA excess deaths:

Tweeter’s take:

EDIT: Not meant as a reply to Jonny, just bad at poasting


This is sort of a recurring problem with American politics, the anti-maskers are a minority, but they’re disproportionately willing to kick up a fuss and scream at Cheesecake Factory servers and issue death threats to politicians who try to crack down on COVID.

Number from South Africa are encouraging, but that’s a nation with a much younger demographic makeup than over here.

The other big problem is that the media doesn’t call out R’s when they push unpopular policies. Every report on R’s banning mandates should lead with the fact that the R governor is overriding the will of the people - instead we just get a few quotes from doctors/scientists saying mandates are good and then from the crazy anti-vaxxers saying mandates are the devil.

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Sorry, this is America. The customer is always right. I demand to see the manager!


JFC guess I shouldn’t have doubted that story the other day. I guess most of them are white so shooting them in the face is out of the question.


Bad written language skills seem to be the norm among these folks.

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