COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

All these studies are controlling for vaxxed and unvaxxed right?

This one is yeah. Or trying to anyway.

Isnā€™t there a bet that the US would hit an ATH this year? That would be sick.

If youā€™re looking for mask upgrades, you can get N95s in hardware stores now when you couldnā€™t for 18 months.

Was the bet about cases or deaths?

I think itā€™s possible, and looking a little better now than when first discussed. (Except this wave is going to be ugly. More so in some places than others.)


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i just realized something: the ā€œ19ā€ in covid19 stands for the YEAR 2019ā€¦ which was like a million years ago, feels like

That bet is gonna be a close sweat, but the Christmas dip probably saves it.

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Awesome, we have a connecting flight in DC on Thursday.

My business partners and I were hesitatingly going forward with our holiday party. Whole company is vaxxed, most boosted, and we stood to lose a chunk of change if we canceled. I spent the day running around picking up rapid tests for everybody to use before entering for another measure of protection. And then the restaurant canceled because so many staff have tested positive. The universe has spoken.


I have always been legitimately astonished how much people look forward to office Christmas parties.

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legit loved my co-resident thanksgiving and holiday parties.

I usually donā€™t, but I have two employees I havenā€™t met in person, and I havenā€™t seen any of the rest more than once in the last 18 months. And somehow we had a good year so everybody received bonuses with which they were very happy. It would have been nice.

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My company holiday party was on Saturday and our CEO sent out an email congratulating the planners on ā€œkeeping us safe from COVIDā€ on Sunday night. I really hope that remains true but 24 hours after the party seems a little early for back pats.

I got a surprising amount of experiments done while also enjoying the lab Christmas party.

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I tend to define long Covid as something different than long term effects of Covid

Long term effects-poor lung capacity and associated impacts of lower O2 uptake rates.

Long Covid- the nebulous stuff. Some of these may be associated with low O2?

Basically if your lungs got damaged, life is going to suck. If no obvious serious lung damage then who knows whatā€™s Covid related for sure.

Itā€™s the CN vs TJ bowl, Michigan vs. UGA

All the worst luck to you in that game, sir. Congrats on going, wish I could. Miami on NYE should be nice!

Hutchinson and Ojabo are legit, canā€™t say Iā€™m not terrified of both of them.

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Before I went to grad school, I actually had a real job and I enjoyed the annual Christmas party. One year I left the party with a few people to go to the hotel I was staying at. We were getting drinks at the bar and Don King was sitting there. I asked some random stranger if she could take my picture with him, and so Iā€™ve got a picture somewhere of me shaking hands with Don King. My favorite part is that heā€™s sitting down and Iā€™m bending over and my hair is actually touching his hair.

Looking back, what makes this super crazy is that this is in the pre-iphone era, so this awesome stranger not only took the picture but mailed me the actual photo.


Depends how long immunity lasts too. Iā€™ve seen speculation from public health people that it might give us a pretty good chunk of low COVID time in 2022, but then likely a waning driven wave next winter (hopefully with less morbidity), so they suggest proceeding with Omicron booster trials because we might need that booster to deal with that wave. But too soon to know, we donā€™t even know it Omicron will replace delta or sort of coexist with it yet

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