COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

damn straight, about that debt… I have some you could wipe away with the stroke of a pen.


Colleague of mine in Boston area just tested positive despite having received Moderna series, including booster. Said he feels a little tired and had a bit of a sniffle but never would have guessed Covid but he gets tested weekly for work which is how he found out. Edit: And had Covid last year. This must be like a one in a bazillion breakthrough case.

one in two maybe

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I thought a Moderna boosted previously infected person has like super duper immunity? Or was that just a fiddy fiddy joke?

With omicron, this isn’t a terribly surprising result. We’d expect perhaps 85-95% vaccine effectiveness against infection given the escape we see with omicron. That means a lot of boosted people will still get infected.


It’s preprint science time!

I’ve got nothing to say about this other than the reduction in morbidity is big in this paper, and I haven’t reviewed it myself yet, but it’s flying around on medical Twitter

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Israel recommending a fourth shot for those over 60.

They’ve been aggressive and cut some corners in some areas, but would expect us eventually going the same route

Really should be offering it to the severely immunocompromised as well. My MIL is a kidney transplant survivor. She basically hasn’t been able to leave the house in 2 years and got her first booster all the way back in August.

Not entirely surprising, but Birx was horrible

Japan Update


Interesting photojournalism from Miami Herald

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This seems like good news. Headline numbers are:

  • Omicron 80% less hospitalization than non-Omicron (CI 70% - 90%)
  • Once hospitalized, 30% less chance of severe disease, but this was not statistically significant (odds ratio CI 0.3 - 1.4)

Those are both against non-Omicron infections in the same time period and they adjusted for vax status and known prior infections. So population immunity is not the cause here.

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Think attempted to adjust is better here. It seems minor but there’s not a lot of confounders in this kind of data. Definitely good preliminary data.

Right, it’s still quick and dirty, but the hospitalization decrease is a huge effect size with a fairly small CI, so even if the adjustments are inaccurate, there’s still going to be a big effect.

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Are we sure long covid is actually a thing?

Anyone tried these?

My dad who got COVID last July says he still isn’t fully back to normal and missed a few months of work because of exhaustion earlier this year but it’s anecdotal.

My in-laws swear by these, they seem more comfortable than KN95s.

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It’s a thing, but the incidence rate is very unclear.

288k cases reported today, just shy of the one-day record. Here’s hoping for drastically reduced severity!

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Kinda optimistic based on the disconnect between cases and deaths in RSA, but it’s probably too soon to really say.