COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

this is spun a bit since it’s cutoff but someone is at zero fucks given


They should just institute a policy of bumping unvaccinated covid patients out of the ICU in favor of vaccinated people with whatever medical condition. Hospital overruns are a problem for everyone. If you’re not vaccinated and someone needs your bed you should be sent home to die. Tough but fair at this point.


This is somewhere where at least our government is falling short on public messaging. Their main concern is the hospitals being overwhelmed, but there is no attempt to tie this back to the unvaccinated population who are going to drive a lot of that overrun with their Personal Choice.

holy shit

And put them where?

The White House COVID advisor 4 posts up:

For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.

Another problem with Social Media Brain™: people don’t even know what the experts are saying unless it has been filtered 3 or 4 times.

Are there no for-profit prisons around that could take them?


I was referring specifically to Ontario where I live.

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Google tells me the population is ~8 million. 33 people total in the whole state?

For example, here’s a quote from out premiere about recently announced restrictions:

This is just cowardly double speak that is ostensibly promoting vaccination, but everything is worded to divert blame. The experts say there’s nothing we can do about it! Not only is this too soft on the antivaxxers, it actually FUELS THEIR NARRATIVES! VACCINES DON’T EVEN WORK THE EXPERTS SAY SO!

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He was clear about his plan for that:

FYI I have two friends who are ICU fellows (completed initial residencies, training to run ICUs), and they’ve both told me the covid patients are treated very differently during rounds, with everyone moving on as quickly as possible.

Even if they were vaxxed?

Australia has only had 247,000 cases of COVID throughout the pandemic thanks to their strict lockdowns, and only 2,134 deaths so far. This is of course what gave us brilliant art such as this:


How the heck am I supposed to know what that thing is sticking out of Uluru without it being labeled?!

Genuinely surprised Uluru isn’t labeled Ayers Rock tbh.


You’re giving Garrison way, way too much credit if you thought that move was in his range.


Hmm, sounds like it could become an opportunity for the Dems to ram and jam. Of course, that would be too unseemly and unfair, so it won’t happen.

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Send them home or hospice. Tough shit, but that bed should go to someone with more social responsibility. That guy who died of a treatable heart attack in Texas last week should not have died.

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Ignoring that mosdef was talking about Canada as he clarified, how is what he posted related to “[a]n emotional state of paranoia caused by reading a large quantity of news curated for maximum triggering effect”?