COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I get waiting till the weekend is over, but surely this isn’t something you want to delay until Tuesday?


Maths. If it spreads faster it may burn itself out as transmission chains collide and behaviors change in response to the spread (With the strict stay at homes, consistent quality maskers, and boostered representing the non-transmitting to start).

What’s the diff, it’s not like we’re going to do anything meaningful anyway. Might as well hold the presser on Jan 2nd.


Not sure what you started to write but the other implication of a sharp peak is massive spikes in hospitalizations of the morbidity isn’t acrually dramatically less than delta, at least in red state environments.

Yeah, lot of unvaccinated are going to die and red state hospitals might be in trouble. Still, haven’t heard anything about hospital overruns or massive fatalities in SA yet.

Sure, I don’t think there’s all that much Biden can accomplish by begging people to get vaxxed, but surely every day counts and moving it to Monday night is what he should do? Maybe right before MNF.

I feel like capitalism should step up here and build a bunch of pop up vent hospitals in red states.

Maybe truck them around where needed like carnivals. You could even hire carnies, who I assume could use the work.

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Well staff is the issue so maybe you’re on to something here

Create a new alternate medical accreditation system for right-wing doctors. They watch a couple of youtubes from Dr. Oz and they’re good to go. Hand out ivermectin in caulking guns.


Honest to blog, I think the elite play is for NIH to covertly pay substackers and Alex Jones-style cranks to spit out pro-vaccine propaganda. Like CIA black ops program only for public health.

I think this misreads the environment. The tail is and always has been wagging the dog on this. They’ll abandon Alex Jones instantly the minute he starts saying things they don’t like. Fucking Trump got booed at a rally for telling people to get the shot FFS and he’s way more popular with the base than Alex Jones.


Yeah, this sounds right.

I think that’s the only time Trump has EVER gotten anything resembling pushback at any of his rallies.


People aren’t being led astray because they are trusting sources of misinformation. People are going astray because they are seeking out information that is in line with their intuition.

The basic problem is trying to get people to believe things they find highly counter-intuitive.

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They’ve been trained to misbelieve. Eventually those chickens will come home to roost. But probably after all blue voters have been executed.


Anti-vaxxers weren’t super partisan before 2016. Republicans courted them like they do with any single issue voter they think they can flip. The anti-vaxx agitprop worked so well, they converted a big chunk of the mouth-breathing base, who were probably fine with vaccinations before 2016.

They’ve trained themselves to misbelieve. People want to believe that the miscreants have been misled, that if it weren’t for Fox News and social media, we could have nice things. That POV is just a larger version of Congressional bipartisanship, hoping that the other side will behave if you can just figure out the right way to talk to them.

Quit trying to make these people something they are not. A significant part of this country is incapable of participating in deliberative democracy or consensus decision-making or whatever sort of utopian process you hope for. Fox and Facebook didn’t create monsters; they held up a mirror that revealed true selves that didn’t cause as many problems when they were immersed in a white Protestant mainstream.

Chicken or the egg. But I can’t forcefully argue about the willfully ignorant and racists being tapped into more than guided by Trump et al.

Got Moderna #3 about 14 hours ago. Currently feel like I overdosed on rat poison.


Implying there is an appropriate dose of rat poison?


The key with rat poison is to do a half, then see how you feel before doing another half.