COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

its hard to comprehend what happened in NYC and westchester county in march/April.

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Depends who they play for.

and hey today is my vaccine anniversary


Thatā€™s easy to say when youā€™re a Lions fan. :grin:

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Happy Vacinnaversary!

And thanks for the info from your space in these threads.


Weird. I was looking here:

Which is not a model of clarity, but seems to give lower numbers.

ā€¦thatā€™s why you should adopt the phrase ā€œItā€™s not exactly rocket surgeryā€.


Danish report on Omicron:

Insignificant raw difference in hospitalizations between Omicron and Delta, but different age/vax status distributions, so who knows what that means in reality.

The stats differ a bit depending on the source

according to CDC data, 94% of adults in New York state have at least one shot
the rate is 88% based on New York state data

the website above explains the differences as

  1. ā€œ% of Population (CDC)ā€ represents the total number of New Yorkers vaccinated anywhere and by anyone as reported by CDC, including state, local and private vaccination providers (includes Federal entities such as Veteransā€™ Hospitals and New Yorkers who received their vaccinations in other states) as a percent of the total New York population over the age of 18.
  2. ā€œTotalā€ represents the total number of individuals vaccinated in New York State by state, local and private vaccination providers as reported to NYSIIS and CIR.
  3. ā€œ% of Populationā€ represents New York residents vaccinated in New York State by state, local and private vaccination providers as a percent of the total New York population over the age of 18.

Interestingly, according to the seemingly less complete state data, the % of adults with at least one vax is 97% in Manhattan and 99% in Queens

I believe that. You canā€™t do jack shit in NYC without a vaccination card.

Do you really, though? If you just had a photo on you phone of some randoā€™s card, how much of the time would that work? 99%? 90%? Even less?

I donā€™t even live in the city and anecdotally I donā€™t know anyone who is not vaxxed at this point. There are so many employer vaccine requirements, etc. I believe it.

Employment is probably stricter. I meant for going to restaurants and such.

Yes, bt I mean itā€™s the confluence of so many different reasons to get vaccinated in NYC that I believe the vaccination rates you are reading are that high.

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Oh, yeah, I believe that. Iā€™m just saying that an unvaxxed person who doesnā€™t need it for employment can do pretty much anything else with a trivial amount of effort.

Any business owner or employee who has checked for my card has glanced at it for no more than a fraction of a second.

I canā€™t think of a place Iā€™ve been that required proof of vaccination that didnā€™t also ask for a photo ID to match up the name.

Does 97% include fake NYPD vaccinations?


I guess NYC is more strict that what I experience around me. In the last couple of months I have had about 50 requests to see proof of vax. Zero asked for ID.

If this is true the UK could peak before New Years, maybe NY a week or so after, maybe the rest of the US a week or so after that.