COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Some galaxy brain replies


This shit is donezo. Virus wins, we lose. Good luck hope we all survive.

Well this seems almost good

Lots of info at this thread

When Florida was doing 150,000 cases a week my school district was doing 1300 cases a week.

Now it’s doing 30,000 a week and my school district 24 cases.

Suggests that reinfection rate is lower than advertised for natural immunity.

I’m not really sure what the NFL is supposed to do. Do we think that a fully vaccinated person who tests positive should need to quarantine for 10+ days?

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Yes? What’s your objection to that?

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Yes. If they’re testing positive then they are likely to be contagious.

Im’ assuming these are rapid test / antigen tests, not PCR. If you test positive on an antigen test you are likely to be contagious. PCR you can keep testing positive after you’re no longer contagious.

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Pretty sure this isn’t in good faith, but sure:

Covid seems to be running rampant through the NHL and there is just one player in the league who is unvaxxed. Seems like a good bet that athletes testing positive are contagious.


That’s still the CDC’s recommendation

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I never know when vax percentages are cited what they mean. I assume that’s 70% of the entire population, not just vax eligible?


Cases and deaths as published 17 Dec 2021. Vaccinations as % of total population (including under 18s), published 16 Dec 2021.

EDIT: Per StrontiumDog’s post below it appears to be percentage of vax eligible.

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Probably something to be careful of though as the metrics state

Only people aged 12 and over who have an NHS number and are currently alive are included. Age is defined as a person’s age at 31 August 2021.

Big science experiment in the NFL. If the number of symptomatic cases goes up dramatically….

Of course symptoms will be hidden/ignored unless severe.


NY state is 71 percent of total population double vaxxed (94 percent of adult population at least 1 shot), so I expect NY’s slope will basically follow the UK’s to the tee with maybe a 2 week lag time.

Edit: Nevermind, if Strontium is correct then NY has a better vaccination rate than the UK, 71 percent of all people including vaccine ineligible children.

Where are you seeing 94% of adults with at least one shot? That seems impossible.

Both nytimes and governor Kathy Hochul’s twitter. Nah it’s not impossible, NY has been really aggressive with vaccine mandates. Basically every state and local government agency enacted them for employees, anyone working in any field that is health or health adjacent has a mandate, and in the city you need to be vaccinated to partake in public life to any extent, and the deplorables in NY apparently aren’t suicidal.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

Edit: Also, a lot of the adults who didn’t get vaccinated died. Also a lot of our vaccine mandates don’t have bullshit religious exemptions, and they are pretty strict on the medical exemptions.