COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Generally they are out for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes they wake up pretty agitated (~10%). There’s a whole continuum of ketamine intoxication. There’s the mild recreational stuff you’re talking about, on the other end you’re not connected with reality. My wife had it once for a shoulder dislocation and she described a terrifying nightmare during the whole thing. Older people tend to hate it more.

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Hahahahahahah fuck off


kids schools yadayada

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everyone responding she’s boycotting an event that she’s not allowed to play in is funny


Yeah that sounds about right. I wonder if the people who do much higher doses experience the same nightmare shit but are so fucked up they can’t remember

legit lol at “medical aparthied” I will be stealing that.

Do these people know that anyone can just buy shares of these pharmaceutical companies? It’s not like you need to be born into this shit. If the fix is in why sit around the homelands complaining when you could be cashing in with the rest of us in the mansion.

Who is she?

Kristin Bicknell via riverman’s post

she’s a successful poker tournament pro who is very anti vax

Tx - never heard of her, but just after I asked who she is I see there are current posts in NVG about her.

apparently her and foxen are so far down the anti vax/white supremacist end that even most 2p2 posts about them are negative

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She and Alex are getting it from the top ropes in the replies. It’s glorious :joy:

They’re nazis, apparently? Jesus Christ.

Yep, you know it’s bad when you’ve even lost 2p2.


Now I’m off to figure out who Foxen is lol. Guess I’m finally out of touch with the poker world.

he’s another successful tournament pro

you’ve def been out of the loop for a handful of years

Man, the comments of some people:

Pack it up boys. This guy is on to something.


Lol donkament players. Proof any idiot on a heater can be a small successful tournament player.

Are either actually any good? I feel like it’s impossible to get an actual decent sample size of tournaments in live poker

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I don’t use the word successful lightly they have good results over their timeframe. Neither is just a donk on a heater.

Sometimes people are very good at one thing and complete donks in everything else.

uhh yesh? maybe some women would feel safer. actually male chastity belts or spike collars would be even better, until men have been trained for civil society.
