COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

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No. 20 in the world, I believe

Fauci ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ 3 days ago not really changed yet…

You know, I would not be surprised if it is.

We have not detected it yet, but when you have a virus that is showing this degree of transmissibility and you’re already having travel-related cases that they’ve noted in Israel and Belgium and other places, when you have a virus like this, it almost invariably is ultimately going to go, essentially all over.

Its ability to infect people who have recovered from infection and even people who have been vaccinated makes us say this is something you have to pay really close attention to and be prepared for something that’s serious

It may not turn out that way, but you really want to be ahead of it.

Great to hear you’re ahead of it :slight_smile:

Noted and will refrain.

Capacity isn’t measured on a per case basis.

I am shocked, just shocked.

But genomic surveillance at this scale has never happened anywhere before — and the fragmented US health system makes coordination a gargantuan task, researchers agree. Hospitals, diagnostic testing labs, local health departments and sequencing centres have rarely worked in unison with one another.

“The biggest challenge is that we don’t have a single health system,” says Art Reingold, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Berkeley. “It’s a nightmare.”

I’m convinced that part of the solution involves federal databases that make libertarians and privacy advocates queasy.

They seem to be working in unison to all give results ‘sooner or later’ - can they not give them and as when they have them?

I feel like the article you linked to explains why data isn’t being shared effectively.

This information is scattered like crumbs along the path that a sample travels, but hospitals, health departments and labs are often reluctant to release data because of privacy or proprietary reasons.

Bad and pretty confusing. One would think that a variant that evolved to evade immunity/vaccination wouldn’t be disproportionately tough on unvaccinated people.

Horrible, locking my 2yr old up now!

Has there been any known community spread outside of Africa?

Scotland and ‘likely’ to be hundreds in the UK

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It’s not clear at all that this did mutate to get around vaccines. And certainly the vaccinated will continue to be at less risk even with these new variants.

Over my head, but estimates MRCA 1-2 months ago. Also finds that the cases from the Dutch airplanes sequenced so far are not closely related, suggesting they were contracted from different sources.

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Toddlers aren’t vaccinated? Anywhere.

From bobman’s link, hopefully wrong

The point isn’t whether vaccines continue to have a protective effect, it’s that kids under 2 aren’t 10% of COVID hospitalizations for Delta, so (if it’s a real effect, etc., etc.) this datapoint would suggest that vaccines are more protective against Omicron than other strains, which would be really surprising.

I doubt many under 18’s have had the vax in SA - therefore it may affect toddlers more than older people which is exactly what any parent doesn’t wanna see.

But the article says a similar thing happened with delta. What’s driving that, idk.

Thta article wasn’t posted by me, maybe you replied to the wrong person? (muppet)

No, you’re the one who posted the out of context bullshit scare graphic.

Try clicking bobmans link, it’s called a title

Strange linkage there but don’t need to be a prosecutor to read the link